5 Things to Consider Before Deciding How Much You Want to Have Children


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Having many children, he said, has plenty of sustenance, although there are also those who think "two children are enough". How many decisions do you want to have children in the hands of each couple. However, you and your partner may also not arbitrarily set the desired number of children. The more children, the more responsibility you have to endure for the rest of your life. Research also reports that the more children there are, the higher the risk of your heart disease. Well, before deciding what you want to have children, first consider the following points.

Consideration of having many children must be seen from the side of husband and wife

There is no definite answer to how many children are ideal for one household. The decision to want to have many or few children is personal, which is also a little influenced by the physical condition and the household of the couple themselves.

Here are some other considerationscouples must think about:

1. Compromise husband and wife

Each party certainly has the number of children of their dreams. Maybe you have dreamed of having lots of children, but couples only want one or a maximum of two.

According to Ann Davidman, a book writerMotherhood: Is It for Me? Your Step-by-Step Guide to Clarity, talking about the number of children you want is actually necessarydone since before deciding to get married. The reason is that these differences in principles often cause disputes between couples so they need to be discussed as early as possible, of course with a cold head.

According to Javier Aceves, M.D., a professor of pediatrics at the University of Mexico School of Medicine, the desire for different numbers of children between partners can be influenced by their respective childhood experiences. For example, growing up with many siblings can influence your decision to have many children because you want your children to be lonely later and feel the same happiness as you.

Listen to what couples consider to have enough children. Maybe he wants a more intimate and close household. And conversely, couples also have to listen to what is the reason you want to have many children. From there, find a middle ground to decide how many children are ideal for your household.

2. Wife's age and health

Women can only get a limited amount of pregnancy. That is why, the age and health condition of the wife have a big influence on the decision of the number of children they want to have.

Pregnant at an age that is too old or too young has its own risks to the health of the mother and fetus. Women who are pregnant and giving birth more than 5 times are also at risk for preeclampsia, uterine prolapse, placenta previa, and depression.These risks have not taken into account the wife's medical history before she became pregnant.

Also note the age gap between children, if you plan to have more than one child. Distances that are too close or too far are equally risky for your child's health in the future.

happy family

3. Husband's age and health

If a woman's reproductive age has an "expiration period" which is marked by menopause, not with men. Men can still continue to produce healthy sperm cells even in their old age, provided they continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, certain age-related conditions or diseases can also affect the quality of the sperm.

Therefore, also consider the age and health conditions of the husband - both physically and psychologically. Moreover, husbands generally become the backbone of the family breadwinner. Men must also be alert husbands to meet their wives' needs during pregnancy and childbirth. So, men's physical fitness and mental readiness need to be as extreme as possible during this time.

4. Household financial situation

In fact, family financial conditions play an important role in determining how many children you want to both have.

Although money is not everything, but whether it's one, two, three or more children, you need to have stable finance to ensure the health and well-being of your child going forward. In fact, guaranteeing the stability of family finances is one form of parental responsibility for their children.

If you work, take into account your work. Many mothers are unable to work after having children. If you already have one child and are pregnant with your second child while also working, are you really able to do all that? If you stop working, can your financial condition support all of your family's needs?

The more family members in your home, of course, the more your expenses. So, you should take into account your financial condition before deciding to have many children.

5. Emotional conditions in marriage relationships

In addition to physical preparation, the emotional conditions of the couples also need to be prepared. The presence of children will indeed color household life, but also provides additional responsibility.Have many of your children to be prepared with the condition of the house to be often messy and noisy, the needs are increasing, and so on.

While having one child does look more comfortable, consider also from the child's side.An only child may feel lonely because he doesn't have a brother as a playmate at home. He can also get excessive pressure from you both because you want the child to be what you want to be. Parents will also only depend on or be accompanied by one child in their old age.

The decision is in you and your partner

In the end, choosing to have many children or one just returned to a decision made both. Couples must be truly prepared physically and spiritually for all possibilities when they have many or few children. Also discuss what kind of parenting will be applied to your child later so that they grow well and healthy.

Regardless of the child you want, raising a child needs preparedness that is truly mature so that it does not necessarily enliven the house with scolding, let alone invective or punch, towards the child.Even worse, children can absorb and imitate your negative behavior.

5 Things to Consider Before Deciding How Much You Want to Have Children
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