Babies Stop Moving In Content: Which Is Still Normal, and Which Is Dangerous?


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The mother can feel the presence of the fetus when she starts kicking in the womb, although sometimes it hurts. A moving fetus is a sign that the fetus is in a healthy state. Usually, the fetus likes to kick at 18-22 weeks of gestation. And, after that, maybe the fetal movements that the mother feels can be reduced. However, if the fetus suddenly stops moving in the womb, of course this makes the mother worried. Why does the fetus stop moving?

Various causes of the fetus stop moving

Don't worry first, ma'am. Although in general the fetus can continue to move approximately ten times in 12 hours, sometimes it will stop moving. This is normal. However, if the fetal movement stops too long, you may need to see a doctor.

Here are some of the causes of the fetus stopping or rarely moving when entering the third trimester:

1. Position of the baby

This can also affect how much the mother can feel fetal movements. If the position of the fetus is close to the mother's spine, perhaps the movements made by the fetus do not reach the mother's stomach so that the mother cannot feel it. However, along with the development of the growing fetus, the mother may be more able to feel the fetal kick.

2. Sleep fetus

Yes, the fetus also has hours of sleep since it was still in the womb. Sleep fetus usually lasts for 20-40 minutes or more (but not more than 90 minutes). When the fetus sleeps, of course the fetus does not move. So, you don't need to worry if during this time you cannot feel fetal movements.

3. Mothers are stressed or have nutritional problems

When the mother is stressed, the stress hormone is released by the mother's body. And, this can affect the number of fetal movements. The fetus may move less. In addition, dehydration or fasting (or mothers limit their food intake) can also cause fetal movements to decrease. This is because the food that the mother eats gives energy to the fetus to move.

4. Fetus experiences limited growth

Limitations of growth in the uterus can be seen from the size of the fetus that is smaller than the size of a normal fetus at the same womb age. A small fetus may make the same amount of movement as a normal fetus, but maybe the mother can't feel it.

5. Premature rupture of membranes

Amniotic water makes the fetus free to move in the womb. However, if the amniotic fluid gets less and less (such as when the womb is nearing the time of birth) or if the membranes rupture early, this can limit the movement of the baby. Premature rupture of membranes can cause problems in the fetus.

6. Hypoxia

Hypoxia is a condition when the fetus has a lack of oxygen. This can be caused by the fetal cord being bent or twisted, so that oxygen cannot be delivered properly to the fetus. Hypoxia can cause long-term effects on the brain and overall fetal development. When the fetus experiences hypoxia, the fetus usually reduces or stops its movements to save energy.

7. Placental abruption

Placental abruption is a condition in which the placenta is separated from the uterine wall. In severe cases, this can limit the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus. If left unchecked, this can certainly cause the fetus to die in the womb. So, if the placental abruption occurs, the fetus must be born immediately, especially if the age of the womb is large.

8. Fetus dies in utero (stillbirth)

Stillbirths can occur after the womb more than 20 weeks old, but usually occur more often at the age of 28 weeks. According to the American Pregnancy Association, 50% of mothers who give birth to stillbirth gradually experience signs of decreased fetal movement for several days before the baby dies in the womb.

Check with your doctor immediately if you feel fetal movements change

The number of movements a fetus makes may vary between fetuses. A normal fetus can usually make 10 movements for two hours or less at 28 weeks or more. If you are worried about fetal movements decreasing, you should rest, drink water, and eat (especially sweet foods). This can energize the fetus to move.

However, if the fetus stops moving for a long time, you may need to see a doctor. Immediately consult your doctor if you feel the baby's movements suddenly drop or stop for a long time. Early treatment may prevent the occurrence of stillbirths or other undesirable things.

Babies Stop Moving In Content: Which Is Still Normal, and Which Is Dangerous?
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