Eat Fish While Pregnant Make Your Baby Smell Fishy, ​​Is It Right?



It is not uncommon for pregnant women to avoid certain types of food because they believe that these foods will have a negative impact on the fetus. One type of food that is often avoided is a variety of seafood, such as fish, shellfish, crabs, and the like. Even some mothers consider eating fish during pregnancy will only make the baby smell fishy. Then, is that true? Can't you eat fish while pregnant?

Instead, not eating fish during pregnancy will harm the mother

Fish and other seafood won't make you and your baby smell fishy, ​​of course it's just a myth. In fact, eating fish during pregnancy is also important because fish and seafood contain unsaturated fatty acids which are very beneficial for the health of both the mother and the fetus. Here are other reasons why fish and seafood must be in your diet:

Fish and seafood contain lots of protein and iron

Women who are pregnant need at least 31 mg of iron per day - 5 mg bigger than normal women's needs - to prevent anemia during pregnancy. While the amount of protein needed to support the development and growth of the fetus is equal to 76 grams per day - up 20 grams from the needs of women in general.

Because of this increase in demand, fish and seafood can help you meet all these needs.

Fish is good for fetal brain development

The main reason why you should eat 2-3 servings of fish or seafood in a week is that the average marine fish contains omega 3 fat which is quite high. Omega 3 fats have been shown to help the development and growth of the fetus, as well as improve the mother's immune system. So if you want your child to be smart and smart, there is nothing wrong with trying to eat fish while pregnant.

Not all fish can be consumed by pregnant women

Suggestions for eating fish during pregnancy given by the Food and Drug Administration are at least 200 grams in one week. But be careful, you also may not eat fish more than 350 grams, because it will increase the risk of being contaminated with chemicals in fish and seafood.

Fish and seafood may be contaminated with chemicals, factory waste, and mercury. Therefore, you must be smart to choose if you want to eat fish while pregnant. Because, all these chemicals can cause complications and interfere with fetal growth.

Then what kind of fish must be avoided? Here is an example:

  • King mackerel
  • Swordfish
  • Tilefish
  • Merlin fish
  • Various raw fish, like when you eat sushi or sashimi
  • Smoked fish and seafood are then packaged in frozen form

Then, what kind of fish and seafood are may eaten pregnant mother?

  • Sardine
  • Salmon
  • Cod
  • Tilapia
  • Tuna fish
  • Crab
  • Shrimp

Fish quality is no less important to note

Even though you have chosen fish and seafood types that are safe to eat while pregnant, don't forget to ensure good quality. Here are ways to ensure that the fish you choose are still in good condition:

  • Have bright, clear eyes, not red
  • Scales are still intact
  • Has the aroma of salt water
  • The meat will return to normal when pressed

Store fish and seafood in the refrigerator as soon as they are purchased and don't store them for more than two days. also make sure to cook fish at a minimum temperature of 63 degrees Celsius to reduce the risk of being exposed to poisons that may be present in fish and seafood.

Eat Fish While Pregnant Make Your Baby Smell Fishy, ​​Is It Right?
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