Pregnant Women Eat Pineapple, May or Not?


Medical Video: Is It Safe To Eat Pineapple During Pregnancy, You Will Be Surprise By its Side Effect!

When pregnant, many mothers prefer more acidic foods such as oranges, mangoes and pineapples. But not infrequently the mother will be reprimanded even banned while eating pineapple. What's wrong with pregnant women eating pineapple?

Pregnant women eat pineapple, why not?

Pineapple fruit contains an enzyme called bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme that can destroy proteins in the body and is capable of causing abnormal bleeding. So, consuming bromelain in tablet form for pregnant women can trigger a miscarriage. The content of bromelain in tablets is also able to smooth the cervix to eventually accelerate the time of birth (premature babies born).

However, 7 to 10 whole pineapple is consumed in one meal, to match the bromelain content contained in one tablet. This is in accordance with the literature published by the University of Maryland Medical Center which revealed that the dose of bromelain commonly found in pineapple plants is not enough to be used as a treatment. This myth then causes pregnant women to be reluctant to consume pineapple.

In fact, one glass of pineapple juice turns out to contain:

  • 79 mg of vitamin C. Nutrition that can increase collagen production and beautify the skin, strengthen bones, cartilage and tendons and
  • Another source of nutrition that is also needed by pregnant women such as folic acid (helps prevent birth defects), iron (nutrients needed to produce blood), magnesium, manganese and vitamin B-6.

On the other side of the side effects as mentioned above, consuming bromelain apparently has several benefits such as improving digestion, reducing swelling and bruising, even being investigated for its role in reducing pain in osteoporosis bone disease. But the presentation of bromealin by heating and canning can destroy the bromealin content itself.

Side effects of eating pineapple can happen to anyone

New side effects will be felt if you rarely consume pineapple or even have certain allergies to pineapple. Pineapple allergy symptoms which usually occur approximately one minute after eating pineapple, such as:

  • Itchy or bumps appear around the mouth
  • The occurrence of changes in the skin
  • The appearance of respiratory problems such as asthma
  • Itching in the nose
  • Consuming pineapple in large doses can also cause stomach heat and diarrhea.

Immediately check with your pineapple allergy doctor, if symptoms develop, difficulty breathing, increased heart rate, swelling of the tongue and lips and begin to lose consciousness.

Pregnant Women Eat Pineapple, May or Not?
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