What are the side effects of using sleeping pills?


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There are many sleeping pills that can overcome insomnia or difficulty sleeping. When viewed from the benefits, there may be many people who think that sleeping pills are very effective effect. After taking some fruit, and drinking it, a few minutes later you can immediately fall asleep. However, it turns out that sleeping pills have some side effects that you need to watch out for. What are the side effects of sleeping pills? Check out the review below

What are the side effects of sleeping pills?

Basically, every sleeping pill has different side effects. But in general there are some side effects from sleeping pills Lunesta, Sonata, Ambien, Rozerem, and Halcion that can occur:

  • Affects breathing so dangerous if you experience lung problems such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and emphysema
  • Burning or tingling in the palms, arms, soles of feet, or feet
  • Changes in appetite
  • Constipation or constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Sleepy during the day
  • The mouth or throat feels dry
  • Headache
  • Heartburn or stomach ache
  • Less focus the next day
  • Having problems with memory
  • Unusual dreams
  • Feeling very tired
  • It's easier to fall than those who don't use this drug
  • Higher risk of developing cancer compared to people who do not use this drug regularly

You must be aware of the use of sleeping pills, if these symptoms or signs occur you can stop giving the sleeping pills and consult your doctor again.

Are there side effects of sleeping pills on the condition during sleep itself?

wake the sleeping person walking

Some sleeping pills have more dangerous side effects, including parasomnias.

Unlike the other side effects of sleeping pills, parasomnias are a side effect of special drugs that are directly related to sleep behavior. The relationship of sleeping pills with parasomnias is very complex, but it is indeed less common.

But be careful, although it rarely happens, when this problem occurs it is difficult to detect. Parasomnia is a movement, behavior, and action that you cannot control. Example, sleepwalking or sleep walking.

When you experience parasomnia, you will sleep very well but do not know what is really happening. It's possible when you sleep you call people, or have sex. It all happens without you knowing it.

Sleeping pills that often cause side effects are sleeping pills that have product labels sedative-hypnotic or mortgage tranquilizers. But it can also occur when someone increases the dosage of sleeping pills than they should.

What are the side effects of using sleeping pills?
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