6 Ways to Deal with Stress in the Office To Stay Productive and Enthusiastic


Medical Video: Time Management Techniques For Stress Free Productivity

Facing various pressures in the workplace over time can make people stressed in the office. The problem is, if you are stressed your work performance will decrease. Instead of being liked by coworkers, you can be even more disliked because it is considered not serious. For this reason, it is very important for you to learn various strategies for dealing with stress in the following office.

1. Turn your mind when stress arises in the office

Sometimes, to let go of fatigue in your mind, you just need to let your mind wander about other things. In this way, problems that can be difficult can you pause for a moment, and when you come back, the mind is clearer and more energetic.

Don't force yourself to think too hard at work if it makes you even more stressed. If you have a little free time, use it for your favorite things. Whether it's reading funny articles, drawing, or writing to relieve stress in the office.

2. Manage stress in a healthy way

You might try to fight stress by eating all things fatty or fried, lazing at home, smoking, or drinking alcohol. In fact, these things can actually make you more stressful and unhealthy body. Therefore, the emergence of stress in the office should be able to encourage you to start a healthy life.

Regular exercise and maintaining food intake are both things you should not miss. People who are stressed or depressed will usually easily ignore their physical health. Even though eating and exercise settings are the most important things to make you stronger and resistant to stress.


Always set aside your time to exercise regularly. Any type of exercise is a powerful stress reliever activity. Exercise will increase your heart rate, and make you sweat. This method is very effective for improving mood, and increasing energy.

Not only that, according to the University of Leicester, sports will increase flow throughout the body including the brain, and this will make you think more clearly. Problems that make you stressed in the office can be dealt with well.

Dining arrangements

Food choices can also have a big impact on your mood while working. Reduce intake of substances that can mess up mood You like caffeine, alcohol, trans fat, and food preservatives.

When eating, choose more foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids to encourage your mood to improve. Examples include salmon, mackerel, seaweed, soybeans, tuna, eggs, and walnuts.

You also need to avoid nicotine when you're stressed in the office. Smoking when you feel stressed may seem calming, but nicotine is actually a powerful stimulant that causes the level of anxiety to increase, not reduce.

3. Ventwith trusted people

Sometimes the best stress reducer is to share stories with the closest person. Storytelling, especially face to face, is the most effective way to relieve tension and feel more calm.

Other people don't have to fix your problem, just need to be a good listener.Vent it will also get you a positive boost from the closest person who understands your condition.

4. Get enough sleep

You may feel like you don't have enough time to sleep because of a lot of work. Remember, this will only reduce your productivity at work. In addition, lack of sleep will also reduce concentration and problem-solving abilities.

The better you take a break, the better you will be able to deal with work responsibilities at work and deal with the stresses at work.

Turn off the television screen, computer, or cellphone for about one hour before going to bed. Light emitted from the screen gadget You can reduce the body's melatonin production and interfere with your sleep.

Before going to sleep, do not open it again e-mail your office or work. Instead, focus on calming activities such as listening to music with dim lights, praying, or meditating.

5. Set time and priority well

Create a balanced work schedule. Try to find a balance between work, family life, social activities, and other activities. Going to work 10-15 minutes earlier can make your day easier. Don't get stressed in the office, you come late and create new problems.

You also need to set healthy boundaries. Many people end up feeling pressured by always stand by 24 hours a day to work. If you have this, you might be in the category of workaholism alias workaholic. This condition can harm yourself, both mentally and physically.

6. Positive thinking

Office stress can be the result of your own negative thoughts. For example, negative thinking if the target will not be achieved, the task will not be completed, the work provided must be difficult, co-workers must be difficult to work with, and so on. This is your own stress trigger mind. Negative thinking must always be discarded, whether it is as heavy as whatever task you get.

If you focus too much on the negative side of each situation, you will run out of energy. Positive thinking will help the body to maintain your energy level. For example, instead of being busy thinking about what would happen if the target was not reached, focus on finding creative solutions.

6 Ways to Deal with Stress in the Office To Stay Productive and Enthusiastic
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