8 Natural Ways and Medications to Relieve Anxiety


Medical Video: What is a Natural Way to Reduce Anxiety & Depression?

Are you overwhelmed with anxiety? Be careful, you know. If not handled properly, anxiety can turn into an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorder itself is a mental disorder that is most often complained of in modern society. Now, so that anxiety does not manifest into a serious threat to your psyche, pay attention to various natural ways to reduce the following excessive anxiety.

1. Relaxation and calm the mind

Relaxation here does not mean lazing around and playing HP all day. Not doing anything can actually make you lose enthusiasm and get sad. It's best to do things that are calming but can at the same time clear your mind, such as meditation or worship.

2. Drink chamomile tea

A study conducted by a team of experts from the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center revealed that the content of apigenin and luteolin in chamomile can calm your mind. Symptoms of anxiety in study participants who took chamomile extract for two months proved to be reduced. So you can also try drinking chamomile tea regularly to reduce anxiety.

3. Use lavender oil

Lavender has the effect of relieving anxiety that has been known since ancient Greek times. Even a number of studies have proven the efficacy of lavender oil to overcome various symptoms of anxiety disorders.

According to experts, the aroma of lavender flower extract can also lower blood pressure. If you are stressed or anxious, the body usually reacts by increasing blood pressure.

You can use lavender oil for massage, bathing, or as bedtime aromatherapy. However, make sure the lavender oil you choose is pure or does not contain various additional chemicals.

4. Exercise

No need to exercise hard all day, you only have to move for 20-30 minutes every day. Psychiatric specialist from Columbia University, Dr. Drew Ramsey explained that exercising regularly for about half an hour can reduce anxiety, make you more calm, and become more confident.

If you are not used to exercise, you can start with light exercise such as brisk walking, going up and down stairs, and swimming.

5. Drink green tea

Research in Japan shows that the content of amino acids called L-theanine in green tea can calm the mind and increase your concentration. So, green tea can be the right choice before you meditate or finish a job that makes you anxious.

6. Salt water bath

Does your anxiety make it difficult to sleep? Salt water baths can be the solution. Dissolve Epsom salt into warm water for bathing. Epsom salt itself is a type of salt containing magnesium and sulfate. Bathing with salt can help you sleep better. Epsom salts can also help relax stiff muscles because they work behind a computer screen all day for example.

7. Eat fish

Fish contain high omega 3 fatty acids. A study in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity proves that the content can relieve symptoms of anxiety to depression. Because the omega 3 fatty acids are needed to maintain brain health.

8. Eat dark chocolate

Snacking can relieve excessive anxiety, you know. As long as you choose snacks or dark chocolate drinks (dark chocolate) Black chocolate can help balance hormones so you reduce stress levels. Polyphenol compounds in dark chocolate can also treat various cells and brain tissue that is disrupted due to your anxiety.

8 Natural Ways and Medications to Relieve Anxiety
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