Facing Despair and Frustration Because of Diabetes


Medical Video: When All Hope Is Gone – Dr. Charles Stanley

Blood sugar levels that tend to be high cause a person to make various efforts to overcome them, and this must be done continuously. Without realizing it, this condition also causes accumulation of various negative emotions such as stress and depression in diabetics. As a result, there are various behavioral changes that endanger health, also called diabetesburnout.

What is diabetes? burnout?

In general, burnout can be interpreted as an accumulation of guilt, disappointment, and anger at the conditions experienced and not achieving a target. This condition is very likely to be experienced by people with diabetes because in addition to the burden of thought about the disease, he also has to do various things such as checking blood sugar, maintaining diet, taking drugs, or exercising, and this must be done repeatedly and continuously. Some conditions such as unstable sugar levels after taking medication or the desire to eat certain foods can trigger sufferers to feel frustrated and ultimately cause burnout.

What happens when diabetics experience burnout?

Diabetes burnout marked by resentment of diabetics to the increase in blood sugar levels so he tried to leave various treatment efforts. Diabetics who experience it burnout also tends to go back to an unhealthy lifestyle even though he knows his health condition. This is done because you want to feel the "freedom" from the frustration he experienced.

Anger and depression will often aggravate various behaviors that are harmful to the health of diabetics. As a result, sufferers experience fatigue and hypoglycemia that last long, and in some severe cases, can cause coma.

Parents who take care of children with diabetes can also experience burnout

Parents with children or adolescents who have diabetes often try to ensure that their children's medical needs are met, but this can be a reason for parents to experience stress. Even though it does not cause children to become discouraged and avoid treatment, parents burnout can experience depression and excessive anxiety about the condition of his child. Here are some signs if parents with diabetes children experience burnout:

  • Feel guilty when you miss something to care for a child.
  • Feeling not receiving help in caring for a child.
  • Blaming yourself for the condition or care received by the child.
  • Angry when treating child diabetes is not as expected.

If parents experience these various things, it is better for them to change their mindset in caring for children with diabetes. Understand that the role of parents is not as someone who is responsible for lowering blood sugar levels, but as someone who monitors the condition of a child's health and meets his care needs. Talking with a doctor or family member is the best thing when parents are worried about the condition of the disease experienced by the child.

How do you deal with diabetes frustration?

Feeling hopeless about health conditions is normal and this is part of diabetes. As a result of behavior change burnout itself is caused by emotional conditions that are only temporary, and this can be overcome by regulating stress and keeping the mind calm. Here are some things you can do to prevent it burnout when facing diabetes:

1. Receive frustration

Despair often arises when we strive for something that is out of our control and this is often experienced by diabetics. However, trying to oppose this frustration will have an effect on guilt that will only worsen your condition. Calm yourself for a moment when you begin to feel frustrated without trying to oppose what makes it happen. When you feel more calm, think about other positive things, such as with diabetes you become motivated to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

2. Understand that you cannot control everything

Diabetes conditions encourage you to adopt a healthy lifestyle and undergo various therapies to regulate blood sugar levels. However, often we are disappointed and frustrated when the value that appears on the glucometer is not in line with expectations. The best thing you can do is stop assessing the condition of blood sugar levels as something good or bad. Understand that the value on a glucometer is only a number and does not mean that the effort that has been done is not successful.

3. Take time to relax

Constantly thinking about and doing things related to the condition of diabetes will be very tiring for yourself. When you are out of the sugar and therapy check schedule, take the time to do what you like without thinking about your diabetes condition for a moment. Doing activities for relaxation with exercise, meditation and yoga will help your emotions return to normal in some time, but this can prevent feeling overwhelmed in dealing with diabetes.

4. Let yourself adapt

Having diabetes doesn't mean you have to stop working. The condition of diabetes may make you do various things but if done side by side will make yourself adapt to the condition of diabetes. Staying active also makes you not think of blood sugar levels continuously and this will be very helpful to overcome the disease conditions that you experience.

5. Get the help needed

Diabetes is a disease that tends to make someone alone. Usually the role of the family or the closest person is the most needed in preventing depression due to diabetes. But you can also consult a doctor, tell an experience with an acquaintance who has similar health problems, or find out about diabetes on the internet to minimize the confusion experienced.


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Facing Despair and Frustration Because of Diabetes
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