Friend is Bad Mood, Can We Get Infected?


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If your co-worker already has coughs and colds, it's easy to guess soon enough that you or other friends will soon experience the same thing. If asked why? Of course the answer is because the virus can spread. Apparently, something similar can happen when it comes to moods, whether it's a bad or cheerful mood, you can contract or transmit this to others. How can? Here's the explanation.

A person's bad mood can be contagious

According to a study from University of WarwickYour emotions that cause mood swings can be contagious. With the help of some mathematical modeling, the research team used data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health and found that both good and bad moods had a tendency to spread throughout social circles.

Rob Eyre, a leader of this study as well as researchers in public health statistics investigated whether there is evidence of individual moods such as appetite, fatigue, and sleep can spread through friendship networks. The researchers found, if you are constantly surrounded by cheerful people, then you are more likely to feel the same way. But if your friend is a group of people who have a bad mood, you might also feel the same way with them.

Although depression is not fully proven to be contagious in this study, these findings are considered useful in the treatment and prevention of depression, according to professor Frances Griffiths of Warwick Medical School.

Understanding that this mood can spread socially is expected to be the main target for reduce the risk of depressionand secondary targets in reducing bad moods or negative ones. So if you don't know why you often experience a bad mood, look around for a friend who feels it first?

friend who is depressed

Whymoodcan it be contagious?

Psychologists themselves call this phenomenon emotional transmission. There are three stages of the process of feeling happy or sad someone can move to someone else as reported from Scientific American. The first step is when you form a nonverbal gesture with someone that involves body gestures and facial expressions.

When you are at this stage, seeing the face of someone who feels sad will tend to make you ask yourself "Why is he sad or thinking what is happening?". This stage is often called the non-conscious mimicry stage.

Because you think about this, you will also feel the sadness that someone is experiencing, this stage is often called the feedback stage. At the last stage, when someone who is feeling sad shares their sadness by telling you, the emotional feeling will come to you.

So, when you meet a work colleague who is moody or has a bad mood and accidentally observes it, you also unconsciously feel that sadness. But if your friend is happy, then you also get lost in this happiness.

However, this transmission only occurs in your social environment, namely people you know. The closer you are to someone, the more likely you are to transmit or contract the emotion. Other studies reveal that this is more common in people who are have a sense of empathy higher.

Then what should you do when bad mood come?

Do positive things

Like listening to music and helping others. When helping other people, it is difficult for you to fall into a bad mood or bad mood. Meanwhile, listening to cheerful rhythmic music can help relieve an ugly moodwho was hit.

Apply a healthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyles starting from start exercising regularly, getting enough rest, and make it a habit to eat healthy foods. Get out of the closed room frequently to breathe fresh air and exercise such as cycling, walking, playing tennis, swimming, or doing other sports that you like.

In addition, enough needs for seven to nine hours of sleep a night. Lack of sleep and fatigue can lead to gloom and irritability, which in turn lowers your ability to manage moods.

Regulate diet

Eat foods that can help improve mood, like tomatoes, avocados, sweet potatoes, bananas, quinoa, and eggs. In addition, if you are vulnerable to experience bad mood when your stomach is empty, try eating every 3-4 hours.

However, prioritize healthy and balanced foods, and avoid processed foods and those containing trans fat. In addition, if you are vulnerable bad mood when menstruation or premenstrual syndrome (premenstrual syndrome/ PMS), then you can reduce the consumption of sugar, salt, caffeine starting from a few days before PMS.

Focus on one thing

One study found that moods were bad more likely to come to people whose minds are wandering around or out of focus. Therefore, work on one thing with focus, such as cooking, doing crafts, or other.

Friend is Bad Mood, Can We Get Infected?
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