Get to know the characteristics of people who want to kill themselves


Medical Video: 14 Ways To Tell If Someone is Suicidal

You might know that a year or two ago, there were several international actors who died because they ended their own lives, aka suicide. For example, Robin Williams, for example, who we know as an actor who always smiles and pleases, turns out to be severely depressed so he decided to commit suicide in August 2014.

Yes, depression is indeed one of the highest risk factors that causes a person to end his life. The World Health Organization (WHO) even said in 2015 that around the world there were 40 people committed suicide every second! Depression is one of the causes, starting from the pressure of work, the pressure of education, even to economic problems and poverty in developing countries.

In Indonesia alone, based on WHO data in 2012 as quoted Compass,suicide rates reach 4.3 per 100,000 population. Based on police reports in the same year, there were 981 reported deaths from suicide. This figure does not include suicides that were not reported to the police because many families in Indonesia consider suicide to be a disgrace that must be covered up.

What are some signs of a potential suicide?

If you have friends, relatives, relatives, or maybe a spouse (and maybe also an ex) who is depressed and has signs of looking like committing suicide, don't be left alone. You might be able to comfort him or make him free from depression. There are several signs that people want to commit suicide or plan to end their lives, namely:

  • Always talking or thinking about death.
  • Clinical depression (deep sadness, loss of interest, difficulty sleeping and eating) is getting worse and worse.
  • Having "hope for death", often desperate and doing things that are at risk of causing death, such as speeding on the road or breaking a red light.
  • Loss of interest in something he had previously liked so much.
  • Often said that his life was destroyed, there was no hope, that he could not help anything, and was useless.
  • Easy to give up, desire changes.
  • Often say sentences like "It would be better if I wasn't there," or "I want to die".
  • Suddenly, unexpectedly changed from very sad to being very calm and happy.
  • Talk about suicide or killing someone.
  • Meet or contact friends and family to say goodbye.

It's a good idea to focus your attention on people whose movements show warning signs above, especially if the person has tried suicide before. According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, as quoted WebMD, between 20% and 50% of people who decide to commit suicide, had previously planned to commit suicide.

Prevent with a personal approach

If you have a colleague, friend, relative, lover, or family who shows signs of wanting to commit suicide, you can do some personal approaches. But you have to be serious and really take care of that person. Listen to what he says. Be initiative to ask about the plan, but don't try to argue with him about his decision to commit suicide. Let the person know that you care and understand, and know that you are listening to their complaints. Avoid statements like, "You have many reasons to stay alive".

If you meet people who are depressed and talk about suicide, make moves like suicide, or plan to commit suicide, treat it as an emergency. Listen to the person, but don't try to argue with him. Get help immediately from professional officers such as police, psychiatrists, or doctors.

Depressed people commit suicide more often. Depression is a serious disease. Several studies show that serotonin neurotransmitters play an important role in suicide neurobiology. The researchers found that serotonin levels were low in brain tissue and cerebrospinal acid in people who wanted to commit suicide.

In addition, suicidal tendencies also flow within the family. Remember, any conversation about suicide should be a warning sign. Immediately invite those who want suicide to professional experts who can help.

Get to know the characteristics of people who want to kill themselves
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