Letting Dissolved Depression Dangerous! Follow the 6 Best Ways to Overcome It


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Depression is a common condition that can affect anyone. Usually, it is characterized by deep feelings of sadness and prolonged anxiety. Although often described in conditions that are quite severe, there are actually several ways to deal with depression that you can routinely do. Anything, huh?

Various ways to deal with depression

1. Set the daily schedule

One way to overcome depression is not to let yourself drag on in grief. This was explained further by Ian Cook, MD, a psychiatrist from the University of California.

According to him, making a daily schedule and applying it routinely every day, after a long time helping sufferers of depression to be preoccupied with a variety of positive activities.

2. Get enough rest

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Depression often makes it difficult for you to sleep, so the hours of sleep fall apart. Even though without realizing it, lack of sleep can actually worsen your symptoms of depression.

So, try to always sleep early and make sure your daily sleep hours are always optimal. If necessary, you can do rituals that can help you sleep better, such as meditation or taking a warm bath before going to bed.

3. Regular exercise

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Not only makes the body healthy, exercise also acts as a way to overcome depression. This is because of the influence of endorphins and dopamine which increase when you exercise. Both of these hormones can relieve pain while making mood much better.

If you do regular exercise, the production of these hormones will be twice as much. This happy signal will be received by the brain and used to relieve depression.

4. Take medication regularly

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Drugs such as citalopram (Celexa), escitalopram (Lexapro), fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft) and vilazodone (Viibryd) are some of the class medicines selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) that can be drunk to manage symptoms of depression. The doctor will choose the type of medication according to the condition and severity of the depression you experience.

Indeed, medicine is needed to overcome depression, but which method is more effective when compared to the application of a healthy lifestyle? You can find the answer in this article.

5. Psychotherapy

psychology counseling

Psychotherapy or psychological therapy is usually chosen in conditions of depression. A therapist will invite you to talk about your depression, and help you get through the difficult situations you are experiencing.

Confused when to go to a psychiatrist or a psychologist? Come on, see the reviews here.

6. Regulate diet

There are several types of foods that you should avoid if you don't want depression to worsen. Starting from alcohol, caffeine, and processed foods.

Instead, eat more recommended foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, mushrooms, avocados, apples and tomatoes.

Letting Dissolved Depression Dangerous! Follow the 6 Best Ways to Overcome It
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