Like Disease, Divorce Parents Can Decline to Children. How can?


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There are many things that can be the cause of divorce. If divorce is usually caused by psychological factors between the two parties, then recent research has found different facts. He said, the cause of divorce could be due to heredity or genetics. So, how can genes affect someone's love relationships?

How can genetic factors be the cause of divorce?

A study in Sweden stated that genetic factors could be the cause of divorce, even this could be reduced. The researchers concluded this from the results of his research involving girls whose parents had divorced.

This is evidenced by various facts in the field which state that children from divorced parents are more at risk of experiencing the same thing compared to children raised from intact families.

Researchers at Virginia Commonwealth University and Lund University in Sweden stated that girls from divorced parents had a 60 percent higher chance of divorce when they were adults, compared to girls from non-divorced parents.

Meanwhile, the incidence in boys also shows a 35 percent higher rate. This is reinforced by the fact that the high divorce rate does not apply to adopted children whose adoptive parents are divorced.

Why can divorce be reduced?

Dr. Jessica Salvatore, assistant professor of psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University who is also one of the study's authors stated that there is a lot of evidence that reinforces why divorce in the family can be reduced.

This is because growing together with divorced parents undermines the commitment and interpersonal skills needed to get married. Finally, it will affect the behavior, mindset, and habits of the child when he is married later.

Quoted from the Huffington Post, children from divorced families are more likely to choose divorce when problems arise at the beginning of their marriage. Because the child is unconsciously growing by imitating the behavior and how to solve the problems applied by his parents.

However, that does not mean the results of this study are absolute. Not all children who have divorced parents will have the same fate. Although in this study genetic factors are the cause of divorce, of course there are many factors that will affect whether or not a marriage relationship lasts.

Sometimes, divorce is not always the best solution

Fighting and arguing are normal in every relationship, including marriage. Conflicts and arguments do not always endanger relationships. In fact, there are times when a fight that occurs between you and your partner can bring you and your partner closer. The key is only one, how you and your partner handle the conflict that is happening.

Never run away from problems and let anger continue to stay inside for a long time. Immediately talk to complete every time a problem comes to your relationship. Try to focus on solving the problem, not attack the partner and continue to corner it when it's wrong.

You and your partner need to understand that the interests of each ego are no longer a priority. The most important thing is how the problems that come are used as learning materials to grow and learn together to improve the quality of one another. So that divorce is not included in the choice of solutions between you and your partner.

Like Disease, Divorce Parents Can Decline to Children. How can?
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