Recognizing Symptoms of Depression in Men and How to Overcome It


Medical Video: Depression Symptoms & Help : What Are the Signs & Symptoms of Depression?

One symptom of depression in men is when a man's condition is irritable, irritable, aggressive, and often drinks large amounts of alcohol. Unfortunately, men rarely recognize signs of depression. They even cover up the signs and problems of depression that they experience. What are the causes of depression in men? Is there anything you can do to overcome male depression?

Signs and symptoms of depression in men

Depressed conditions can affect men and women differently. When depression occurs in men, it may be covered by unhealthy behavior. Often, depression experienced by men is undiagnosed and can eventually cause adverse effects if not treated. However, depression in men can usually get better with treatment.

The following symptoms and signs of depressed male behavior:

  • Feeling sad, hopeless or empty
  • Feel very tired and not energized to move
  • Hard to sleep
  • Do not get pleasure from the usual activities enjoyed

Other behaviors in men that can be a sign of depression, but rarely detected include:

  • Often avoid or keep quiet somewhere, like spending a lot of time at work or a gym
  • Like to drink alcohol to drug abuse
  • Often responds to things with violence or rude behavior
  • Like to be angry for no reason
  • Doing something risky, for example, like driving at high speed

What are the causes of depression in men?

It is not easy to detect directly what causes men to experience depression. The reason, depression is that each person has different causes and symptoms. The following are some common factors why men experience depression:

1. Physical health problems

Sometimes, depression in men arises from physical symptoms, such as back pain, frequent headaches, sleep problems, impotence, or digestive disorders, which are difficult to overcome with normal treatment.

2. Changes in life

This condition is usually accompanied by symptoms that are irritable, sensitive to criticism, or even loss of your sense of humor. Some men can also be rude or difficult to control their emotions. This can also include relationships, work, and social life.

What can be done to deal with men who are depressed?

When men experience depression, many of them are difficult or even embarrassed to ask for help from even the closest person. Depressed men tend to talk about their physical symptoms, rather than emotional and psychological symptoms. This might be one reason why doctors sometimes cannot diagnose male depressive symptoms.

Here are lifestyle and home remedies that can help you overcome depression:

  • Try to share the problem you are experiencing with someone you trust, for example a parent, friend, girlfriend, or psychiatrist
  • Regular exercise and consumption of healthy foods
  • Learn to relax and handle your stress
  • Use antidepressant drugs if needed and according to the doctor's instructions
  • Contact your doctor if the symptoms of depression worsen
  • Contact your doctor if you experience drug side effects
  • Contact your doctor or the person closest to you immediately if you think of committing suicide or killing or hurting someone else
  • Contact your doctor immediately if you feel symptoms psychosis, like hearing a sound, seeing something that really isn't there, or feeling excessive fear
Recognizing Symptoms of Depression in Men and How to Overcome It
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