Guidelines for Caring for Children Born with Spina Bifida


Medical Video: Spina Bifida: Your Baby's First Days

Children born with spina bifida may find it difficult to adapt to their new life. Likewise with parents, they must learn to adjust to the child's condition and play an active role in caring for it.

Then, how do you treat a child born with spina bifida? Come on, see the following review.

Caring for children born with spina bifida

Babies with spina bifida

In addition to treatment from a doctor, caring for children born with spina bifida requires extra attention from parents. Here are the things that need attention.

Physical activity

Babies born with this condition will move and move in different ways. Need help from a physical therapist who works with parents to teach how to train both baby's legs and arms. Good for increasing strength, flexibility (bending), and baby movements.

Physical activity is very important for babies who have conditions like this. Perform exercises that are in accordance with the recommendations of a physical therapist.

Caring for baby's skin

Babies who suffer from spina bifida are also susceptible to blisters due to scratches around them. So, parents should check the baby's skin at all times, not let it sunbathe too long under the sun, or make sure the warmth of the water if you want to bathe it.

In addition, reported from the CDC, most babies born with this condition are allergic to objects or products that contain natural latex or rubber. That is, you as a parent should keep your baby away from these objects. Note also with the use of accessories such as necklaces or bracelets that can hurt the skin.


Like most babies, babies with spina bifida also need health services such as immunization to increase their immunity. Babies also need special care, such as:

  • An orthopedist, who will check the health of the baby's muscles and bones.
  • A urologist, who will check the health of the baby's kidneys and bladder.
  • A neurosurgeon, who will check the development of the baby's brain and spine.

Toddlers and preschoolers with spina bifida

At this age, children experience changes in their mental, emotional, and social life. They are also more active in exploring the environment and independent learning. Therefore, you must help develop themselves and their independence.

There are a number of things parents can do to support the development of children born with spina bifida. It is important to teach children how to overcome their body limitations, for example with aids such as crutches or wheelchairs. It is also important to teach children responsibility, for example by cleaning up their own toys.

Even though children need extra attention and help, it does not mean parents then limit their space. Let the child get the opportunity to do something independently, but still under your supervision.

Physical activity

In addition to undergoing exercises recommended by therapists, you can also teach children how to swim, play with their peers, or play in the park where the game is easy for the child to do.

Caring for a child's skin

To keep an eye on the health of his skin, be sure to choose the size of the shoe that suits his feet. Use sunblock cream (sunblock) that fits the skin to protect from sunburn when the child is actively playing outside.

It is important for you to teach your child to play or move safely and tell him what to do if the child is injured.


Perform a health check for children born with spina bifida on a regular basis. At the same time consult a medical expert regarding care and use of catheters - for those who use wheelchairs - as well as cleanliness.

children born with spina bifida 2

School-age children with spina bifida

At this time, parents will develop their hobbies, interests, and activities. However, special attention needs to be paid to children who also have hydrocephalus. Because children born with spina bifida will face extra challenges in the learning process. For this reason, parents need to consider the assistance of alternative teaching staff who will help them learn.

Let children take part in school activities such as camping to help them develop their socializing skills and interact with other children.

Guidelines for Caring for Children Born with Spina Bifida
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