4 Bad Habits That Can Damage Marriage


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Establishing a domestic relationship together with a partner requires cooperation between the two parties to create harmony and eliminate selfishness. This mechanism applies to every relationship included in the marriage relationship.

Sometimes consciously or not, there are some habits that can damage a marriage relationship. This starts from a fight and can lead to separation and failure in fostering a household.

Recognize habits that can damage marriage

Whether we realize it or not, people often do bad habits that can make other people feel uncomfortable. In marriage, this often becomes the source of disputes that ultimately lead to a fight between husband and wife.

Having a happy marriage must be a dream of every couple. For that, here are some bad habits that you must avoid to save your marriage.

1. Doubtful partner

Each partner certainly wants himself to be the best person his partner can trust. In addition, a trust in household relationships is very important.

If only you often doubt your partner or often suspect him, this is certainly not just making your partner upset. But it will also make them think if he is not good enough for you so you continue to suspect him and think nothing about them.

If you want your partner to believe in you, then you also have to be able to do the same for your partner. Trust your partner and provide support for them.

2. Don't appreciate what you have

Without realizing it, most couples often feel unrivaled when they see a partner from someone else who can make an achievement greater than what is achieved by their own partner.

In the end, this made them encourage their partners to be able to do the same things as other couples did. Even though they feel enough about what they get, however, being tempted or feeling rivaled with others, making them never feel satisfied, and finally encouraging their partners to do the same as what other couples do.

Did you know this will make your partner feel unappreciated with you who keep demanding like everyone else? In his time, the couple will feel bored and upset with your behavior. If this is the case, quarrels and disputes with your partner will probably often face you.

3. Lying about finance

Financial conditions in a family are things that support all the welfare of family members. This will usually be the responsibility of the husband to find and get money to support his family.

However, it is usually the wife's responsibility to manage and hold finance. You and your husband need to work together to be open to each other, as a wife, you must manage your finances as well as possible, and your husband must be honest about the amount of income you get.

According to a study that was published by the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, at least 7 out of 10 people involved in marriage often lie to couples and 3 of them end in divorce. It's important for both of you to always be honest with your partner

4. Constantly trying to change partners

Many couples often criticize their partner's appearance and sometimes also demand changes from their partner to be what they want, both in terms of behavior, appearance and walking.

If the change leads to a better direction, maybe the goal is good and it doesn't hurt you to do it. It's just that, if your days are filled and filled with your efforts to insist on changing partners so that everything that is done by a partner looks always less in your eyes.

This of course makes the couple feel angry. It is not impossible if they complain and corner you more by telling you to get a partner like what you want.

Compared to you insisting on changing your partner, try accepting your partner as they are and start loving him better. This way you will not judge the ugliness of your partner and start loving him.

Maintaining marriage is not easy. However, you both must remember that getting to the level of marriage is also not an easy thing. You and your husband must maintain with things that until now you have achieved both.

4 Bad Habits That Can Damage Marriage
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