Characteristics and Signs If Your Testosterone Hormone Level Declines


Medical Video: Patient Education Video: Low Testosterone

As we get older, testosterone levels in men also decline. This decreased testosterone hormone can threaten the sexual function of a man. You certainly don't want to, if your household harmony is threatened just because of an illness that makes your husband no longer excited in bed? However, 'bed activities' is one of the main keys to maintaining marriage.

However, unexpected things can happen to a partner due to a disease, such as a hypogonadism problem that can threaten male sexual function. Get to know the signs of decreased testosterone in this article.

The effect of the testosterone hormone decreases on health problems

Hypogonadism is a condition when a man has decreased levels of testosterone in his body. Decreased levels of this hormone, actually do occur naturally as you get older. However, in the past few years, many studies have shown that this problem is not just a decrease in sexual function.

Decreased testosterone hormone can also reduce bone density, decrease red blood cells, decrease muscle mass, increase fat, depression, and liver disorders. Even the special concern is the increased risk of metabolic syndrome and coronary heart disease which can cause death.

According to andrologists, the metabolic syndrome caused by hypogonadism can also increase the risk of heart disease and other health problems such as stroke and diabetes. This risk increases when a man experiences metabolic syndrome for 5 to 10 years.

What characteristics and signs of testosterone begin to decline?

Unfortunately many men, who are not aware of the symptoms of hypogonadism. Here are some signs of men experiencing hypogonadism:

  • Having a decrease in libido, even losing sexual desire
  • Having an erectile disorder
  • Having a decrease in muscle mass
  • Often complain of fatigue and lethargy
  • Loss of body strength
  • The waist circumference looks more and more
  • Hair on the body, not only in the head, starts to fall out and disappear
  • Frequent drowsiness after eating

These are easy to see signs. If there is one of these signs, you should immediately check testosterone levels. Normally, men have 400-700 nanograms / deciliter of the testosterone hormone in the body. Meanwhile, the lowest value that can still be tolerated is 300 nanograms / deciliter.

If known early, then this problem can be overcome by hormone replacement therapy. This therapy is proven to reduce fat mass, improve muscle mass, reduce blood sugar levels, improve insulin sensitivity, reduce LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels, increase HDL levels and reduce blood pressure both systolic and diastolic.

A simple test to find out the husband's testosterone hormone decreases

Try doing this simple test on a partner. Ask the following questions.

  1. Has libido decreased lately?
  2. Do you feel weak and lethargic?
  3. Does endurance and physical strength decrease?
  4. Does your height decrease?
  5. Do you feel the enjoyment of life decreases?
  6. Is it fast feeling irritated or irritable?
  7. Is the erection less strong?
  8. Is there a decrease in ability to exercise?
  9. Is it often sleepy and falling asleep after dinner?
  10. Are there changes or decreases in work performance?

If answers number 1 and 7 are "yes", or there are 3 answers yes, then you should suggest your husband to test testosterone levels to find out if you really have a decrease in testosterone levels.

Characteristics and Signs If Your Testosterone Hormone Level Declines
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