Eat Pineapple When Pregnant Can Make Miscarriages, Really?


Medical Video: 4 Foods that Surely Cause Miscarriage - Miscarriage Causing Juices

Throughout your pregnancy, you will hear a lot of well-meaning advice and taboos from friends, family members, even when passing strangers. Much of the information you receive turns out to be very helpful. However, some of them also sound dubious, for example eating pineapple during pregnancy causes miscarriage - or early labor.

How did this myth begin?

Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain which works to break down proteins in the body. Because the newly conceived fetus consists of simple protein cells, bromelain intake is thought to cause bleeding and miscarriage. In addition, bromelain is also thought to stimulate the cervix to soften and loosen so that it can trigger early labor.

This guess is not mistaken. Bromelain, in the form of supplement tablets or capsules, is not recommended for mother's consumption during pregnancy. It is true that bromelain breaks down proteins in the body which can trigger early contractions and / or abnormal bleeding, and therefore increase the risk of miscarriage.

But wait a minute.

Eating pineapple during pregnancy does not cause pregnant women to miscarry

The dose of bromelain in one whole fresh pineapple is not high enough to act as a drug that affects pregnancy. For comparison, The German Commission E, reported from University of Maryland Medical Center recommends consuming 80-320 mg of bromelain to treat various digestive problems and muscle inflammation. Based on the Duke University Medical Center study in 2011, reported from NCBI, one serving of fresh pineapple juice purified from the stem (the main source of bromelain) only reaches 16 mg. The amount of bromelain found in fresh pineapple is too small to have a noticeable effect on the uterus and reproductive system. In addition, most of the bromelain content will be lost during the canning or juice process.

In order for the pure bromelain content in pineapple to achieve the effect of abortion, a pregnant woman must eat 7-10 fresh pineapple whole at once. In conclusion, eating pineapple during pregnancy in sufficient portions (no more than 3 servings per day) every week during pregnancy, generally does not have a negative impact on the safety of your pregnancy.

Are there any benefits of eating pineapple while pregnant?

Eating pineapple during pregnancy can provide a nutritional boost to the fetus in the womb to be able to grow and develop optimally. One serving of fresh cut pineapple supports approximately 79 mg of vitamin C, a nutrient needed to supply collagen production that helps the growth of skin, bones, cartilage, and baby tendons, according to Live Science, and at the same time can support your immune system during pregnancy. Pregnant women generally need 85 mg of daily vitamin C intake.

Pineapple is a high source of fiber, which effectively relieves constipation. Constipation is a common complaint found in the early stages of pregnancy. Pineapple also provides many other nutrients, including vitamins A and B6, folate, niacin, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium, potassium and manganese.

But, not all women may consume pineapple while pregnant

Eating pineapple may not endanger the life of the fetus or make you go into labor too early, but large amounts of pineapple can have an uncomfortable effect on you. Be careful if you have a sensitive stomach. Acid in pineapple can cause stomach upset or stomach acid reflux. If you consume pineapple juice that is not yet mature enough, the bromelain contained may cause a severe laxative effect, which causes diarrhea.

Pregnant women who have gestational diabetes (or are at high risk) may need to be careful about consuming pineapple, especially in the form of juice. Fruit juice is a high concentrated source of natural sugar from whole fruits, so it can cause blood sugar to rise sharply if consumed in large quantities at one time. If you have gestational diabetes, you can still drink pineapple juice as a small part of the diet containing high protein or fiber, because these two nutrients can reduce blood sugar response.

If you usually don't eat pineapple and experience some kind of allergic reaction after snacking on pineapple, contact your doctor. Symptoms include itching or swelling in your mouth, skin reactions (red, itchy, swollen), asthma, runny nose or stuffy nose. This allergic reaction usually occurs within a few minutes after the last bite of pineapple. You are more likely to experience pineapple allergies if you also have allergies to pollen or latex.

Eating pineapple during pregnancy does not cause miscarriages. You can enjoy fresh, canned pineapple or pineapple juice in a normal portion to still be able to harvest the benefits of this fruit without having to worry about dealing with the risks of his health. If you are still worried about adding this fruit to your diet during pregnancy, talk to your doctor about your problem and ask for more information about any foods that are safe for consumption for pregnant women.


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Eat Pineapple When Pregnant Can Make Miscarriages, Really?
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