How Long Does the Month Come Up Until You Have a Pregnancy Test?


Medical Video: Symptoms of Pregnancy in First Month – Early Pregnancy Symptoms Which Women Notice First

Late arrival is one of the most reliable signs of first pregnancy. However, for those of you who have never experienced this, you may wonder, when and how long can menstruation late be a sign of an early pregnancy? Check out the reviews here.

Understanding the normal menstrual cycle

Menstrual cycle is the period from the start of menstruation in this month to one day before the first day of menstruation in the following month. The normal menstrual cycle averages around 28 days. However, this cycle can change. Can be shorter even longer, the range is around 21-35 days.

Meanwhile, normal menstruation lasts for 3 to 5 days. Again, this range can vary from person to person for various reasons.

When is the late coming of the month a sign of pregnancy?

It is common that late arrivals are one feature of pregnancy that is usually first realized. If you diligently count your menstrual cycle every month, you will easily realize that you have been late for the month.

Menstrual periods are usually considered late if after 5 days or more not menstruating from the date it should be. At these times you can start checking pregnancy signs independently (at home) using test pack. With a note, you really have sex (especially without safety such as condoms or birth control pills) before late in the month.

The picture is like this, if you usually have a 28 day cycle per month, but after the 33rd day of menstruation does not start, then you need to suspect this as a sign of pregnancy. Whereas, if your cycle is irregular then try to check it 5 days after your longest cycle. For example, the 40th day. If menstruation does not come, you can also start a pregnancy test to determine whether you are pregnant or not. Especially if you are late for 6 weeks or more. You should be suspicious and you should immediately see a doctor.

Even so, menstruation can be late or not experience it at all due to excessive stress, the diet you're doing, irregular exercise, or certain medical conditions. So it's late not only signaling a pregnancy.

brown menstrual blood

Late arrival due to pregnancy is usually accompanied by other symptoms

If someone is pregnant, the body does not only give the signal through the cessation of menstruation. Usually there is a series of other symptoms that indicate body changes due to pregnancy.

Stomach cramps

Fertilization can make the stomach become cramped. This is indeed similar to menstrual pain that you feel during menstruation. In the beginning of pregnancy, you will usually feel this discomfort. You might even think this is a symptom of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). However, if it turns out that menstruation doesn't come, you should be suspicious and take a pregnancy test.

The breasts feel tight and painful

As you get older, your body will usually produce more estrogen and progesterone. This is because both of these hormones are used by the body to support baby's growth.

The effect, the breast may feel tighter and bigger due to increased blood flow in it. In addition, the nipples will also hurt and the color will look even more black.

Feel unwell

Nausea, appetite disappears, more easily tired, and more frequent urination usually accompanies your pregnancy. The condition of this body that is not dirty is often considered cold However, if this happens when you are late in your period accompanied by tightened breasts and stomach cramps, see your doctor immediately.

Apart from the mark above, also pay attention to whether you have mild bleeding or spots like brown spots. Because, this will appear when the egg cells that have undergone fertilization attach to the uterine lining. Immediately consult a doctor if you are late for the month accompanied by the characteristics above.

How Long Does the Month Come Up Until You Have a Pregnancy Test?
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