How Many Calories Are Burned Through Sex?


Medical Video: Here's How Many Calories You Burn During Sex.

There is good news for you and your partner. In addition to adding intimacy, having sex can help you both maintain fitness while losing weight. You and your partner have one more reason to make love tonight. Having sex burns quite a lot of calories, especially if done passionately. However, keep in mind that the extent of the role of sex in maintaining your fitness certainly depends on intimate sessions like what you and your partner usually do. The hotter and longer the sex takes place, the positive impact on your health and your partner will increase.

The benefits of sex for fitness and health

Sex is a fairly heavy physical activity, almost the same as exercising. Because sex requires a lot of energy, the body will burn calories from carbohydrates. The more calories burned, the faster your body's metabolism will be. This will certainly be very helpful if you or your partner is trying to lose weight.

In addition to speeding up the body's metabolism, having sex can also train your fitness. When you make love, various muscle groups in the body will work and contract. Usually the muscles that work during sex are the muscles of the arm, abdomen, hamstring, and calf. Training these muscles can form and increase your muscle mass as well as exercising in a fitness center. When compared with body fat, increased muscle mass has the potential to burn more calories, even when the muscles are not working.

Having sex burns how many calories?

There are many factors that must be considered to count the number of calories burned through sex. For example, how long did you make love and what position did you choose with your partner. Sex can last from two minutes to more than one hour. Reporting from Women 's Day, here is a calculation of calories burned in your intimate session with a partner.


Without having to take off your clothes, you and your partner can burn enough calories in one hour. If you weigh 60 kilograms, flirt with each other or make out for one hour it can burn about 58 to 80 calories. This number is equivalent to walking 1.5 kilometers or exercising for 23 minutes. This intimate one-hour session can also burn calories from half a can of soda you consume. To increase the number of calories burned, you and your partner can try to make out in various positions such as standing or holding a partner.

Oral sex

If you give oral sex, not only will your partner benefit. You can also burn calories. Giving oral sex for half an hour can burn about 54 to 60 calories. The number of calories burned is the same as walking 1.2 kilometers or exercising for 18 minutes. This number is also equivalent to eating one apple. In order for more calories to burn during oral sex, you and your partner can try to increase the temperature of the room to be warmer. This way, you will sweat more easily and this will help your body burn more calories. In addition, some people will also feel more excited when having sweaty sex.


So that you and your partner can burn more calories, do not rush to immediately penetrate. The longer the session warms up or foreplay what you do, the more calories you can burn. Foreplay itself can last 15 to 45 minutes. Try to explore each other's bodies each starting from a slow motion to extend the duration foreplay.

You can also vary various positions so that the body works more intensely. A person with a weight of 60 kilograms can burn about 83 calories in a 45-minute warm-up session. This is equivalent to exercising for 28 minutes and walking as far as 1.9 kilometers. This amount can also burn calories from a glass of ice coffee you drink before starting an intimate session with your partner.

Making love

The hotter you and your partner make love sessions, of course the more calories you can burn. If your body weight is 60 kilograms, having sex burns calories in the amount of 100 to 140 if done for 45 minutes. This is the same as running two kilometers or exercising for 40 minutes.

Try to change positions, increase movement, increase room temperature, and reach orgasm so that more calories are burned. Certain sex positions such as women above, standing up, and doggy style also tends to burn more calories than the missionary position. A sexologist from the United States, Jaiya Kinzbach also revealed that deep sighs and breaths during sex will help burn 18 to 30 calories.


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How Many Calories Are Burned Through Sex?
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