Hundreds of vagina turned out to be dangerous, these are 3 reasons


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As women, we do many things to keep our feminine areas in prime condition: shaving hair, waxing, away from douching and soapy fragrances, avoiding wearing underwear that is too tight, to undergo annual checks. In Indonesia, in particular, there is one traditional feminine care that has been passed down since the prijaji era, namely the hundred vagina.

Hundreds of vagina are claimed to have healing properties of all kinds of complaints about feminine problems, ranging from overcoming menstrual cramps, tightening the loosened vaginal muscles after giving birth, to increasing female fertility.

What is a hundred vagina?

Ratus vagina is a traditional vaginal treatment by direct fumigation in a woman's sex organs, from the result of burning a mixture of various natural herbs. To do a hundred vaginas, a woman will be asked to sit on a special chair where the center has been perforated as a smoke entry point. After that, a pot of land that had been filled with hundred decoction of boiled water was placed below it. The steam produced will bloat your vaginal area. The average hundred vaginal treatment sessions take 30 minutes.

The ingredients of hundred decoction water are generally contained from secang wood, turmeric, rose flowers, meeting buffalo, nutmeg, and vetiver. The combination of all of these natural herbs combined with warm steam, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation, provides oxygen intake, and relaxes the pelvic muscles. Hundreds of vagina are claimed to be beneficial to cleanse, scent, and maintain the health of intimate areas while also rebalancing female hormones.

Some of the more modern salons of hundred vaginal providers even combine traditional spices with direct infrared irradiation to intimate organs. Heat rays emitted from infrared are then absorbed by the skin and vaginal tissue for extra energy and look young.

What do medical experts say about hundred vaginas?

Some doctors doubt the truth of the benefits of hundred vagina. "There is no scientific evidence that can support that hundred vaginas are truly effective," said Dr. Draion Burch, an obstetrician in Pittsburgh, reported by Live Science.

Meanwhile, Camilo Gonima, an obstetrician in Texas, was reported from Medical Daily, states that herbal vapors can have several relaxing effects and some temporary health benefits for the skin, just like facial spas or saunas, "But there is no strong basis for proving the real effects of vaginal evaporation on fertility or menstrual cycles," Gonima said.

A number of health experts agree that steaming your intimate area can actually trigger side effects that can harm your health.

What are the bad effects that can occur due to hundred of vagina?

1. The skin is vaginal blisters

The vapor produced by the herb hundred has a hot temperature, so second-degree burns are one of the potential risks that must be taken into account from the start. The vaginal opening is exactly parallel to the bladder and anus, so severe burns from evaporation that is too hot and close can damage the skin tissue around these three openings and cause many other problems.

In addition, the heat caused by evaporation can also trigger the growth of yeast and fungi and an increase in blood flow to the vagina due to the heat makes the vagina feel itchy easily.

2. Triggering the growth of excess bacteria and fungi

To clean the vagina, there really is no need for grandiose treatment because the vagina has a self-cleaning system. Like douching, efforts to "wash the warehouse" to clean the vagina with evaporation can actually dry up the ecosystem in the vagina, thus disrupting the balance of the colonies of good bacteria that live in it. Good bacteria that live in the vagina all work together to ensure that foreign particles from the outside world will not be able to enter too far into the vagina to the internal organs.

The vagina is lubricated with oily liquid. Water, a product of decoction steam, is not moisturizing for cells. Instead, water can actually rinse natural oils from the skin of the vagina so that the vagina becomes drier and prone to injury and irritation. Therefore, candida fungal infection (a type of fungus that thrives in warm and moist conditions) and bacterial vaginosis is a definite risk of hundred fragrances. Bacterial vaginosis has been linked to an increased risk of HIV transmission.

3. Does not affect the smooth flow of menstruation and fertility

The claim that steam hundred fragrant can balance hormones does not make sense. Hormones are produced by the pituitary gland in the brain and in the ovaries, not in the vagina or uterus itself. Hormones then flow in the bloodstream and have certain effects on their target organs. Smelling the vagina may not have an impact on changes in hormone levels. After all, it is difficult to be certain that the steam produced from spices boiled water can actually reach as far as the uterus. Plus, there is no concrete evidence of the health benefits of some of these herbs when brewed in warm water.

If you choose to do a hundred vagina or have done it before, Gonima thinks women can do it as often as they want, but he recommends continuing with caution after considering all the risks. "I emphasize that evaporation must be limited to external skin, and that you take care to avoid the risk of blistering," he told the Medical Daily.


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Hundreds of vagina turned out to be dangerous, these are 3 reasons
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