Why should children be left to play outdoors?



The more advanced times seem to be more limited games for children. Children rarely play outdoors with friends and explore themselves. The scene that you may see often now is that children play in the house together gadget-his. In fact, allowing children to play outside the home has its own important benefits for children's development. Anything?

The reason parents forbid children to play outside the home

Many reasons behind parents forbid their children to play outside the home. These include fear of children contracting the disease and many dangers that threaten the child if playing outside. In fact, actually by allowing children to play outside, parents also make children more immune to disease.

Playing outdoors, letting children play dirty-dirt, being exposed to bacteria and all types of germs, can actually make a child's immune system develop. The child's body can better recognize all types of harmful substances that enter the body so that it can form a more powerful defense factor.

In addition, the danger factor that threatens many children outside the home can actually be overcome by the way parents monitor their children while playing outside the home. With the supervision of parents, children also feel safer so they feel more free to play and explore themselves.

The benefits of allowing children to play outside the home

Many benefits can be received by children when he plays outside the home, including for the growth and development of children both physically and mentally. Some of the benefits of playing outdoors are:

1. Supports bone growth in children

Playing outside the home can be an opportunity for children to receive sunlight. Where, sunlight helps increase vitamin D in the body which is good for the growth of children's bones. This is a benefit that children cannot accept if they only play in the house. Allowing children to play outdoors and be exposed to sunlight for 10-15 minutes is enough to meet the needs of vitamin D for bone growth.

2. Encourage children to exercise

Many activities that children can do outside the home. Spacious space does not limit children from doing anything, such as running, jumping, cycling, and so on. Unconsciously, this is also a fun sports activity for children. This certainly can make children more active and improve overall children's health.

3. Stimulating creativity and imagination

Nature can stimulate children's creativity and imagination more broadly, than children only see a cellphone screen, computer, or television. Children can interact with their surroundings, not only see, but also touch, smell, and hear, so that they activate their senses more. This can make children think more broadly, so they can create creativity and imagination that are also wider.

4. Train children's thinking to solve problems

Playing outside (especially with friends) can create its own challenges for children. Children face real problems rather than just solving problems at video game. This can then train thinking children to solve their own problems. That way, children will get used to solving their own problems and become more independent.

5. Train your self confidence

Interacting with the outside world - with nature and with playmates - can slowly develop children's confidence. Children need courage and strong self-confidence to meet and interact with new people, get to know new environments. So, playing outside with friends can also train children's confidence.

Why should children be left to play outdoors?
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