Marriage Without Sex, Can It Be Happy and Harmonious?



Having sex after marriage is a natural thing done by couples. This of course aims for couples to get pregnant quickly and give birth to future generations in the family line or to get closer to one another. However, in fact there are several couples who claim to have never had sex even though they are married. Then whether marriage without sex can last and still be happy? Consider the considerations below.

Is marriage without sex normal?

It does sound strange enough if there are couples married without sex. This is referred to assexless marriageaka marriage without sex.

Sexless marriagecan be interpreted as married life with very little or no sexual activity at all between married couples. The causes can vary. Starting from the density of busyness, getting sick or being on certain medications, the effects of drugs, until the couple refuses to have sex.

Actually, this is still reasonable if there are certain reasons that make them not want to have sex even though they are married. The reason must also be clear and acceptable. However, the problem is when the decision not to have sex is decided unilaterally or the reason is unclear.

What happens if you get married but never make love?

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Sex can be one of the main things that affect the harmony of couples. Dissatisfaction or lack of communication about sex can be a time bomb in the household.

When couples have sex, their bodies will automatically experience hormonal changes. This hormone will make the heart beat faster, increased breathing, reddened skin, until aroused. This whole process causes male and female sex drive to increase.

Conversely, couples who have never had sex certainly do not experience such things. If it is left too long, this can cause the partner's sexual drive to decrease and lose interest in having sex.

Reporting from Prevention, research shows that the absence of touch and passion for sexual intercourse is very possible to make couples become far apart, both physically and emotionally. Couples who are married with little or no sex tend to be dissatisfied with their domestic life. In the end, the household became less happy.

So, how to strengthen intimacy in marriage?

the benefits of sex

Remember, not all couples will be far apart because they have never had sex. The proof, some couples still live harmoniously and intently in marriage without sex.

So, this goes back to each couple. If you and your partner can maintain good communication, then all problems in the household can be faced together.

In order for your romance and your partner to stay in harmony, do the following tips:

1. Understand each other's routines

Try to pay attention to what your routines and daily partners are. Do you work late every night so there is no chance to have sex? Find a solution together with a partner. For example, looking for a job that does not require you to overtime every night or have sex in the morning, not night.

2. Show affection

Don't be shy to show your affection to your partner, for example by looking into your partner's eyes while giving the sweetest smile before he goes to the office. Give a warm hug so that your partner becomes more enthusiastic about activities. Thus, your partner will feel very loved and cared for.

3. Repeat romantic habits together

Try to remember the romantic habits that you both did. For example, having dinner together, hugging while watching TV, to take a bath together. Invite your partner to repeat the habit to arouse your passion for romance.

4. Seduce the couple

Give sweet compliments to the couple, for example when he looks beautiful or attractive, smiling sweetly, and so on. These seductions can help strengthen intimacy in the household, you know!

5. Ask for a marriage counselor for help

If you've tried all the ways and nothing works, maybe it's time you consult a professional marriage counselor. Not only useful as a way out the problem of sex, this step can also save your marriage if done correctly.

Marriage Without Sex, Can It Be Happy and Harmonious?
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