Often Ribbed with In-laws or In-laws? 3 This May Be the Cause


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The "hot" atmosphere in the family is not only caused by the presence of a third person. Un-harmonized couples may come from relationships with each couple's family. Many say if marriage is not only a relationship between husband and wife, but the whole family. Yes, so that all members must be harmonious with each other. Especially for families who still live in homes with in-laws, sister-in-law, or other relatives.

Actually, what makes you often fight with your partner's family? Then, how do you deal with this situation?

Cause You often fight with your partner's family

Your quarrel with your partner is common and makes most couples choose to separate. However, not getting along with your partner's family can also 'ignite a fire' so that the atmosphere of the house becomes uncomfortable and ultimately damages your relationship with your partner. Of course you don't want this to happen, right?

Don't worry, to get out of this situation you have to understand exactly what causes it so it's easier to get a solution. Some of the reasons why you often fight with your partner's family include:

1. You feel unappreciated

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Everyone has rules and limits on something. However, many people are insensitive and go beyond the limits that have been made, including your partner's family.

For example, the habit of sister-in-law who lets the TV turn on until midnight or invites a friend to stay overnight without telling you or permission first.

In fact, before you have given the time limit to watch TV, save electricity, and the rules of getting other people to the house. Of course this makes you feel hot and irritated, right?

If you face it with anger, of course the atmosphere of the house will become tangled. You really need to straighten this out, but with a calmer mind.

Talk about this first with your partner. Then, create the right atmosphere to open the conversation. Explain what the problems are with friendly language and reiterate the rules that apply.

2. Frequently criticize and comment too much

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Marriage means uniting two families. You become part of a couple's family, and vice versa. Your parents-in-law or sister-in-law does think you are like your own family, but sometimes their way of showing it is not pleasing to you.

For example, when your in-laws give scathing comments to your cuisine. This assessment can indeed make you cook much better, but the choice of spoken words might hurt you. This sometimes makes your relationship and in-laws less close.

It's not easy to overcome this, but you need to understand how your in-laws are. If your father-in-law is indeed stubborn and criticizes, you better not respond with emotion and let it. If it's too far out, talk about this with your partner to deal with this together.

3. Different opinions and preferences

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Everyone has different opinions and interests. This could be a factor in why you often fight with sister-in-law or in-laws if you live at home with you. Differences of opinion during family meetings even to trivial matters, such as the selection of food menus that are contradictory.

Then, how to overcome it? You need to find out what you and your other family can enjoy and like. This can improve your relationship and your partner's family. You can start with an invitation to have dinner outside, take a walk, or exercise in the morning together.

Often Ribbed with In-laws or In-laws? 3 This May Be the Cause
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