Still Masturbating After Marriage, Is It Normal?


Medical Video: Marriage and sex: How to cope with a lack of sex in marriage

Masturbation is part of most people's sex lives, even when they are married. However, there are still many people who think that masturbation is an example of an affair with a partner. In fact, people masturbating can be because they want to eliminate stress or just because of conditions that do not allow sex.

Facts about masturbation

Masturbation is still considered a taboo thing in the community, therefore, studies on masturbation are still very few. However, we can still find out the facts about masturbation from several existing studies, namely:

  • Masturbation is usually done by teenagers
  • Men masturbate more often than women (2-4 times per month for women and 4-9 times per month for men)
  • Many people study their own bodies with masturbation
  • A safe alternative to avoid transmission of genital infections
  • Helping people who have no partner to maintain their sexual functions and expressions
  • Provide a place to release sexual desire for individuals when their partner is not interested in sex

In addition, as reported by, masturbation can prepare women for the effects of menopause, even before they reach the age of 40, without relying on any medication. In fact, masturbation can help women stay sexually active, as well as men because masturbation can protect nerve fibers and blood vessels that are responsible for erectile function.

Concern when the couple is still masturbating

Panelist Ricky Shetty explained that not only physical action, but masturbation can also enter into the realm of psychology. This is caused by what someone thinks when masturbating, whether he is imagining having a relationship with his own husband / wife, with a movie star, musician, or with someone else he knows. This can cause concern for their partners who have committed to love each other until death separates.

In addition, it is feared that a husband / wife who likes to masturbate sees sex as mere physical activity, not as an expression of intimacy towards a partner. As we know, intimacy is often expressed through sex, and it can affect us physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Dr. Fran Walfish, Beverly Hills psychotherapist, who is also a writer The Self-Aware Parent states that men will easily be obsessed with masturbation and will be easier to switch from having sex because masturbation can make it easier for men to let go of sexual desire.

Masturbation is not a sign of cheating

According to Anne Semans, one of the authors Sexy Mamas: Keeping your sex life alive while rising kids, masturbation doesn't count as cheating. However, do not think that having sex and masturbation are different things, in fact these two things have a close bond with each other because masturbation is a complementary activity of sexual relations.

In fact, research shows that people who masturbate a lot also have a more satisfying level of sexual activity. That's because people who masturbate always keep in touch with their bodies and continue to fulfill their own sexual desires. It can also cause them to have higher arousal than people who have never masturbated at all. By getting as many sexual needs as they want, of course they will not burden the couple with their sexual desires.

This is also supported by a statement in the article on, that masturbation can support sexual health in relationships, but does not really take over the sexual activities of the husband and wife themselves.

Masturbation to know yourself

Michael Ashworth, Ph.D states that masturbation is also a great way to learn about your own body, so having sex with your partner will feel better. Men can use masturbation activities as a method to control their orgasms, while women can learn about ways to orgasm more easily.

Sometimes people feel that everything feels perfect in sexual relations, so the husband or wife feels no need to masturbate. However, what is wrong if we try to be better at having sex by studying our own bodies.

Still Masturbating After Marriage, Is It Normal?
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