Detect and Overcome Conjunctivitis Allergies (Eye Allergies)


Medical Video: Problems with Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)

Eye allergy also known as allergic conjunctivitis, is a reaction of the immune system on the surface of the eye.

Antihistamines are released into the contact area which causes symptoms such as red, itchy, or runny eyes.Most eye allergies are caused by allergens in the air such as pollen, feathers or smoke, but may also occur when people are sensitive, contacting allergens by rubbing their eyes using their hands.

Most allergic conjunctivitis is experienced by both eyes, but sometimes, as with contact with allergens from poison oaks or poison ivy, only one eye will experience an allergic reaction. In some people, eye allergies may also be related to eczema and asthma.

What is the difference between conjunctivitis and allergic conjunctivitis?

The human eye ball is covered by a thin membrane called the conjunctiva. When something interferes with this membrane, the eyes can become itchy, swollen, red, and runny, and this condition is known as conjunctivitis or "pink eye". Medically, eye allergies, aka allergic conjunctivitis, are just another form of conjunctivitis.

In addition to allergens, other things that can cause pink eyes include viral or bacterial infections, contact lenses, eye drops or ointments or other substances that irritate the eyes. Allergic conjunctivitis and red eye caused by the lens and irritation are usually not contagious, but conjunctivitis caused by bacteria or viruses may be contagious.

Most red eyes will eventually disappear on their own (although allergic conjunctivitis caused by bacteria will require treatment with antibacterial eye drops or ointments). The good news, allergic conjunctivitis usually does not affect a person's vision.

Allergy symptoms of conjunctivitis

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis aka allergic eyes may include:

  • itchy or hot eyes
  • watery eyes
  • red or pink eyes (maybe including dirt)
  • swollen eyes or swollen eyelids (especially in the morning)
  • around scaly eyes (rarely)
  • accompanied by other symptoms such as runny nose, nose, or sneezing.

Treat allergic conjunctivitis

The best treatment for eye allergies is to avoid allergens that cause it. If someone does not know the cause of his eye allergy, he should check with an allergist to find out the cause.

More serious symptoms may require someone to use antihistamines or anti-inflammatory drugs, especially when other symptoms appear. In the most severe cases, allergy shots must be considered.

Other treatments for eye allergies can include:

Natural treatment for eye allergies

Some herbal medicines have been used in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis with varying degrees of success, including allium cepa (made from shallots), euphorbium, and galphimia. You should consult with your doctor to find out about the safety and effectiveness of this natural treatment and other natural treatments.

For many people, compressing a damp damp cloth can relieve eye allergies. Patients must place a washcloth over their eyes closed several times a day.

Special drops for eye allergies

Eye drops such as "artificial tears" can help wash allergens from the eyes.

Various types of drugs on the market and prescription eye drops are available to treat allergic conjunctivitis. These drugs include lubricants, antihistamines, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Some eye drops should be used every day while other drugs can be used when needed to relieve symptoms.

Eye drops can cause burning or stinging at first, but this discomfort usually goes away in a few minutes. Some eye drops can cause side effects, so it is very important for allergy sufferers to consult a doctor to find out what eye drops are right for their condition.


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Detect and Overcome Conjunctivitis Allergies (Eye Allergies)
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