6 Dangers If You Swallow Toothpaste Too Often


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Have you accidentally swallowed toothpaste? Or do you have a bad habit of swallowing toothpaste too often? Do you know this is very dangerous? The most dangerous toothpaste content if it is swallowed excessively is fluoride. What are the dangers? Check out the following review.

Hazardous chemicals in toothpaste

Toothpaste or commonly called toothpaste in Indonesia, is a cleaning agent used to clean teeth. The ingredients or composition of toothpaste often comes from chemicals, such as fluoride, triclosan, detergent, calcium, flavorings, coloring, and so on. Therefore, it is not surprising that toothpaste used to clean and treat teeth has dangerous side effects due to these chemicals.

Although fluoride serves to coat the tooth structure and maintain tooth resistance against the process of decay and trigger the process of mineralization, the chemical elements in fluoride are able to harden tooth enamel to make the teeth strong so that your teeth are not easily perforated.

However, fluoride still has its own side effects and dangers, moreover, if it gets swallowed into the body excessively.

Danger of swallowing toothpaste

The following are the dangers of toothpaste especially the dangers of fluoride chemicals if swallowed excessively.

1. Toxic to the body

Did you know that fluoride is one of the ingredients used for making atomic bombs? A study explained that fluoride in toothpaste has a dangerous chemical poison effect.

Because of this, the fluoride content in each tooth is always limited. If you are poisoned, the body will send signals in the form of nausea and vomiting, as well as headaches, and can even cause loss of consciousness or fainting.

2. Osteoporosis

Side effects and other dangers of fluoride can lead to osteoporosis and damage to the nervous system, especially in the wrong use, such as swallowing excessive toothpaste and entering the body too often.

Even in early 2000, the Belgian government was the first party to ban the circulation of tablets and candy containing fluoride as contained in toothpaste.

3. Causes overdose

A Swedish study that looked at the tendency of children who accidentally swallow toothpaste through saliva while doing toothbrushes often triggers cases of fluoride overdose and other disorders.

The disorder, for example, often excretes saliva in large quantities, blunts the sense of taste around the mouth to respiratory problems such as asthma.

4. Calcium absorption is inhibited

Swallowing toothpastes that contain fluoride can cause inhibition of calcium absorption in the body known as fluorosis. This can result in decreased IQ, nervous system disorders, immunity, and bone fragility and growth inhibitors, especially in children.

Therefore, it is not surprising that some countries recommend limiting the use of toothpaste with excessive fluoride content for ages above 5 years.

5. Causes yellow spots on the teeth

In the case of fluorosis due to excessive ingestion of fluoride contained in toothpaste, it will cause some symptoms that appear. Usually there will be brownish spots or yellow spots that spread on the surface of the teeth due to the formation of imperfect tooth enamel.

Imperfect tooth enamel can lead to damage due to retention of food scraps in the area due to bacterial accumulation, so that it can affect the normal process of dental caries.

6. Bone and tooth abnormalities

Excess fluoride can also cause bone and tooth abnormalities. Fluoride which enters the body about half of its contents will be stored in the bone and continues to increase with age. So that if left alone will cause bone abnormalities that may occur after so long overlapping.

It is important for you to pay attention to the use of toothpaste when you are brushing your teeth not to swallow toothpaste.

6 Dangers If You Swallow Toothpaste Too Often
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