When Sprained Legs, Can You Order or Must See a Doctor?


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You who often exercise, generally soccer, must be familiar with the name sprain. Yes, it seems that sprains are not painful, especially foot sprains. The legs can not be used for normal activities. The various effects, some are swollen, limping, and have to wear a stick.

In Indonesia, generally if a foot sprains, the help that is done first is to bring yourself to the massage worker, even though some of them go to the doctor. Well, when a sprained leg, can it actually be taken to a massage therapist, or still have to go to the doctor? Come see the explanation about the following healing options for sprains.

Why can foot sprains occur?

The cause of sprains can occur because of excessive activity, so that the muscles become inflamed, torn, and swollen. Sprains often occur in the wrists, ankles and finger joints. The common symptoms of sprains are swelling, pain and reddish skin.

When spraining, it actually stretches the ligaments (connective tissue) causing a partial tear or stretching of the muscles and tendons (connective tissue that connects the muscles to the bones) causing an inflammatory reaction. Sprains occur most often on the ankles, wrists, and finger joints. Symptoms that often appear are pain, swelling, reddish-looking skin, and of course will interfere with the body functions of the sprained part.

Why should the foot sprains go to the doctor?

As a form of healing, many people prefer to massage the sprained part. In order for footers to be unable to do it carelessly, there are even some cases which are actually not recommended to do sequences. If it's wrong a little, the condition will get worse.

Should it be sorted out? In the medical world, this is actually not recommended, because when there is trauma to the muscles, ligaments, and tendons, actually doing sequencing will only aggravate the condition of the trauma and the inflammatory process that occurs.

Handling foot sprains by a doctor

If taken to the doctor, treatment will be recommended as follows for sprained feet:

  • The condition of the foot or part of the sprain is examined, a diagnosis is made. The doctor will recommend taking a break for a while because excessive activity on the part of the sprain will trigger further complications, for example the torn ligament will get worse.
  • The doctor will give a cold compress with ice in the case of a sprain that just happened. Because when an injury takes place there will be a tear of the blood vessels which results in the "filling" of the blood vessels into the surrounding tissue that triggers the emergence swelling, blood vessels also dilate as an inflammatory response. Giving an ice compress aims to "narrow" the dilated blood vessels so as to reduce swelling. The doctor will apply compresses for approximately 20 minutes, no more. Because if too long it will also interfere with blood flow.
  • In further medical treatment, sprained legs will be pressed and bandaged with elastic bandages to reduce swelling. In splitting, the doctor will not tie tightly, so that blood flow is not disturbed which can actually hinder the healing process.
  • The doctor will advise to remove the injured part, so that it is higher than the heart anatomy. For example if your ankle has an injured ankle, it can be blocked with a pillow as high as the heart to reduce the swelling process.

After the above process is done then we just have to wait for 3-5 days later the swelling will reduce itself. Whereas for the selection of anti-pain drugs there are several opinions which state that these drugs will actually inhibit the natural process of healing because the inflammatory reaction is the body's natural reaction in the healing process itself. But back to the doctor's policy and the patient's condition, if it is felt it is necessary because the patient feels pain can be given by prescription.

In addition to handling the above, in a more severe sprained condition it is better to consult yourself with a doctor to ensure the presence or absence of fracture conditions so that help can be done.

How do you reduce the risk of sprains?

The following steps can help reduce the risk of sprains, namely:

  • Warm up before doing exercises or strenuous activities.
  • Wear protective or elastic joint pads when carrying out heavy physical activity.
  • Perform stretching exercises regularly to maintain the strength and flexibility of muscles and joints.
  • Apply a healthy diet to maintain an ideal body weight and the road can be balanced
  • Avoid exercise or activity when tired or sick.
  • Always choose to walk on a flat surface.
When Sprained Legs, Can You Order or Must See a Doctor?
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