Alert, Vulnerable Women Experience Inflammation of Gums and Toothache During Pregnancy


Did you know that when you are pregnant you are prone to tooth and mouth disease? Inflammation of the gums and toothache during pregnancy may seem trivial health problems. However, it turns out this disease can affect the growth and development of the fetus. Then, why are mothers prone to toothache when pregnant? What is the impact on the fetus?

Mothers are prone to toothache during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the level of the hormone progesterone in the body increases by 10 times as usual. This can increase the risk of toothache during pregnancy. Even inflammation and swelling of the gums often attacks pregnant women.

Based on data from the Indonesian Dentist Association (PDGI), gingivitis is one of the common diseases affecting pregnant women. Usually this condition attacks in the early trimester of pregnancy that is in the second month and peaks around the eighth month. Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums includes oral infections caused by bacteria. This condition can make the gums swell and bleed easily. If not treated, gingivitis can spread to all other parts of the mouth.

Too high levels of the hormone progesterone can trigger bacterial growth in the mouth area, so there is no chance if you can experience toothache during pregnancy.

In addition, the difference in pH of saliva in pregnant women with women who are not pregnant is different. Pregnant women have a more acidic pH of saliva. If not cleaned properly, of course the mouth will be the best place for developing bacterial diseases.

Changes in the immune system that occur can also be one risk factor for the emergence of various problems with toothache during pregnancy. The body becomes less strong against all the bacteria that cause inflammation of the gums and toothache that is experienced.

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Impact that occurs if pregnant women experience dental and oral disorders

Although it seems trivial, inflammation of the gums and toothache during pregnancy can cause adverse effects on the development of the fetus that is being conceived. This bacterial infection can even harm the fetus. Bad effects that can be experienced by the fetus if the mother experiences toothache during pregnancy, namely miscarriage, premature and low birth weight.

The study, published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, revealed cases of gum inflammation that harm the fetus. The study found a case of a 35-year-old woman who gave birth to a lifeless baby at week 39 of pregnancy.

After tracing, experts found bacteria that cause gingivitis that enter the bloodstream, lungs and baby's stomach. This condition is thought to be the main cause of infant mortality.

How to maintain dental and oral health while pregnant

To avoid various harmful risks to you and your fetus due to poor oral and dental health, start now to pay attention to the health of your teeth and mouth. Here are various ways you can practice to maintain cleanliness and health of your teeth and mouth during pregnancy, namely:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste containing fluoride.
  • Clean teeth with dental floss to remove food scraps between teeth.
  • Use alcohol-free oral cleaning fluid.
  • Chewing gum containing xylitol 2 to 3 times a day to reduce plaque in the teeth.
  • Brushing the tongue to cleanse bacteria and food scraps trapped inside the tongue papilla.
  • Routinely going to the dentist for a check-up and if necessary do extra cleaning like lifting tartar.
  • Gargling with baking soda to clean teeth from acid that rises from the stomach to the mouth when vomiting (morning sickness).
  • Limit your intake of foods and drinks that contain sugar.
Alert, Vulnerable Women Experience Inflammation of Gums and Toothache During Pregnancy
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