How often do we have to change toothbrushes?


Medical Video: How to Change Your Toothbrush

Did you know that the mouth is one source of nesting bacteria? Yes, bacteria are found not only in the teeth, but also on the tongue. Maintaining oral health is very important, because mouth becomes the first place for food digestion. The food we eat will be digested in the mouth with enzymes in the mouth. Then the digestive process of food is continued into the esophagus, digested by the stomach, then absorbed by the intestine. Imagine not if our mouth is not healthy? Bacteria will enter into other body parts.

Maintaining oral health can be done diligently brushing teeth. Brushing your teeth must be done properly and reach the tip of the tooth, because bacteria can multiply in hidden places in the tooth. The movement must be done by turning, not just in the same direction. We also have to choose a toothbrush that is comfortable to wear and does not hurt the gums.

Toothbrushes have different qualities, some are bristled quickly, some are worn for a long time. Of course, sometimes we don't pay too much attention to how often we change toothbrushes. When we see toothbrush bristles already damaged, that's when we usually change toothbrushes. However, is it really the action? Let's look at the facts.

Why change toothbrushes?

As mentioned above, the mouth becomes one of the sources of nesting bacteria. When we brush our teeth, bacteria or microorganisms can move to toothbrushes. Not to mention, where we put toothbrushes is not necessarily sterile. As people usually do, toothbrushes are usually stored in an open space near the toilet, which of course can be one of the causes of our toothbrushes infested with microorganisms.

Not to mention, after brushing your teeth, the toothbrush will be wet, causing the risk of developing bacteria is quite large. But you don't need to worry, because there is not enough research that reveals that bacteria that nest on toothbrushes can cause disease in the mouth. Mouth disease is usually caused by bacteria in your own mouth. According to Richard Price, DMD, a dentist in Newton, America, studies have been found that reveal that microorganisms found on toothbrushes won't make people sick.

Toothpaste or toothpaste used usually has an anti-germ component, this component can make microorganisms difficult to survive. But microorganisms like a moist place, so, try to keep your toothbrush dry after use and put a toothbrush in a dry place.

When should you change your toothbrush?

According to The American Dental Association, it turns out we should replace toothbrushes every three to four months. If you use a toothbrush that can be replaced with a head or an electric toothbrush, replace the brush head within three to four months. The same thing was said by Melanie S. Djamil, a professor and dental doctek, quoted by CNN Indonesia. He said that toothbrushes should indeed be replaced every three months. If the brush has been damaged, it should also be replaced immediately. Damaged bristles can injure the gums, making the gums bleed.

Still according to Melanie S. Djamil, bleeding gums can also be caused by sensitive gums. If this happens many times, see a doctor so that you know that dental and gum care products are good for you. So if your gums are sensitive, don't wait for the damaged brush to replace the toothbrush. Bleeding to the gums should not be underestimated.

In addition, according to Maria Lopez Howell, spokeswoman for the American Dental Association speaker, children's toothbrushes should be replaced more often than adults. Children often bite toothbrushes, so the possibility of bristles will break faster than those of adults. In addition to brush bristles, you must also pay attention to the color changes in the brush. If the brush has changed color, that's when you have to change your toothbrush.

How to treat and clean toothbrushes?

In addition to paying attention to bristles and time of use, you also need to pay attention to how to care for and clean your toothbrush. The following are tips for treating and cleaning toothbrushes:

  • Do not put a toothbrush in a closed place. We recommend that you brush your teeth in an open place to dry quickly. This is to prevent bacteria from getting more nested in your toothbrush.
  • If your toothbrush has a brush cover, like most products offered, it's good to wait for the brush to dry before putting on the cover.
  • Clean the toothbrush with tap water. If you are worried about germs breeding in your toothbrush. You can clean the mouthwash that has antiseptic or alcohol content. Mouthwash is also effective to prevent microorganisms from developing, even though toothpaste is quite effective.
  • Put it in an open place. As mentioned above, this is done so that the brush dries faster. It doesn't matter if the brush is put along with someone else's toothbrush, but what you need to remember is never to use the same toothbrush with other people.


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How often do we have to change toothbrushes?
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