Will Everyone Surely Have the Youngest Teeth?


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Have you ever felt pain because there are teeth growing in the part of your molars even though you have entered adulthood? Your youngest teeth, maybe just grown.

Wisdom teeth or commonly known as third molars are teeth located in the upper and lower jaws, which appear at the end. The process of forming the youngest tooth seed begins before the age of 12 years and ends at around 25 years of age. This wisdom tooth usually appears last, compared to the other teeth. The period of its appearance then causes this tooth to be known as wisdom teeth.What do you know about wisdom teeth?

Will everyone grow wisdom?

In fact, not everyone is aware of this wisdom tooth, because only a few people feel pain when these teeth appear. Impaired tooth appearance (impaction) can actually occur also in other teeth, but the highest frequency is found in wisdom teeth. Some studies even reveal that 9 out of 10 people experience wisdom teeth that are impacted.

Generally, at that age, jaw growth is complete, so there is no longer enough space for wisdom teeth. As a result the growth of wisdom teeth is less than perfect, coupled with the position and the wrong direction. This condition then causes pain when the appearance of wisdom teeth.

If the wisdom teeth grow normally into the oral cavity without obstruction, if the teeth are formed in a good position, the jaw arch is sufficient to accommodate the wisdom teeth, wisdom teeth can actually be very helpful and will not cause pain at all. Especially to rip and chew foods that tend to be hard.

How do you prevent pain when wisdom teeth appear?

You can first detect the presence of your wisdom teeth by consulting your dentist before entering the period of its appearance. Your doctor may make a periodic x-ray to evaluate the position and growth of your wisdom teeth, so that action can be done immediately before further problems develop.

This can be done to reduce the pain that will be felt if it turns out that your wisdom teeth must be removed a few years later. Tooth extraction will be easier to do at a young age than after adulthood Moreover, the healing period when an adult takes longer than when he was young.

Factors that affect the appearance of wisdom teeth

The youngest tooth has 4 pieces, each of which is located on the right, left, upper and lower back of the oral cavity. However, it is estimated that there are around 25 percent of people who have fewer than 4 wisdom teeth. This can happen because the 4th wisdom teeth have a disruption in their appearance which may be caused by:

1. Genetic problems

Impaired appearance of wisdom teeth may be due to the child's parents who have a small jaw arch with a tooth size that may be relatively large.

2. The form of food consumed

Eating soft foods less stimulates the growth and development of the jaw arch. This is because, when chewing food that tends to be hard, the muscles in the mouth move, so the jaw is more aroused to grow optimally.

3. Seed teeth are misplaced

Seed teeth that grow in the wrong direction will also appear in the wrong position. This can inhibit the growth of wisdom teeth and potentially interfere with the growth of other teeth.

The youngest teeth that experience interference and the wrong position in their appearance can cause pain. Often to reduce the pain, the only way is to pull it out. If the problematic wisdom teeth do not get good treatment, other serious complications will arise, such as infection until the formation of a cyst.


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Will Everyone Surely Have the Youngest Teeth?
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