6 Things That Often Causes Cause Not Smooth


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When you suffer from difficulty defecating, it can be caused by something wrong with your digestion. One symptom of constipation, or non-fluent defecation, is pain when straining, and frequency of bowel movements which becomes less frequent, for example, the origin of each day becomes only every three days. Then what often causes defecation is not smooth?

The cause of defecation is not smooth

The organs of human digestion are something that is very complex and sensitive how it works. BAB that is not smooth is also often called constipation. Well, constipation is not a disease that will last forever. However, it may also occur for a long time, and this indicates that constipation has reached the chronic stage.

Many reasons underlie why defecation is not smooth. One of the most common is the lack of consuming fluids. When you drink less water, the digestive tract will find it difficult to digest food, and eventually defecating becomes hard and painful. The following are some non-current BAB reasons:

1. Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland is less active, so the effect slows down the body's metabolic processes, especially the intestine and other digestive parts. Carla Ginsburg, an assistant professor at Harvard Medical School stated, not everyone who experiences an underactive thyroid gland will experience a non-fluent bowel movement. However, the condition of hypothyroidism will cause the muscles in the intestinal tract to work to slow down. So your stool will stay longer in the intestine.

2. You are depressed

When you experience depression, your body's system will weaken and slow down. As quoted from WebMD, defective defecation can be one of the symptoms of depression. This is caused by the internal nervous system which plays an important role in healthy digestion. When stressed and lack of sleep, the physical nervous system will be disrupted. So it is not uncommon for digestion to become problematic, such as difficult bowel movements, for example.

3. Most take laxatives

Sometimes, if you are addicted to taking laxatives, you can even make the bowel movement not smooth. Laxatives are drugs whose function is to stimulate intestinal activity to work faster to remove feces from the stomach. Well, if laxatives are used for a long time, your body will depend on the drug. So once you stop consuming, your CHAPTER doesn't even work smoothly. Better, use the drug according to the instructions for use and advice from your doctor.

4. Most eat or drink milk-based products

All food or beverage ingredients made from milk, in fact have undergone the processing in such a way. Possibly, before processing and adding other additives, milk still contains antibiotics. But after pasteurization, these valuable enzymes actually disappear. That should be the enzyme can help digest sus, and there are other important vitamins and minerals, will disappear when processed. So not all milk products are good for digestion, but can even be one of the triggers for constipation in you.

5. Have high blood pressure and are taking certain drugs

Non-fluent bowel movements can occur in people who have high blood pressure. Usually, calcium channel blocker (CCB) drugs become a barrier to the entry of Ca2 ions in membrane cells in the body. In addition, diuretic drugs can also cause constipation. Because, diuretic drugs require water in the body to produce urine a lot. Then it will imbalance the content of the water requirements in the digestive system, and cause defecation which is difficult and painful when straining.

6. Consume chocolate

Who would have thought that chocolate is a lot of human favorite food can cause defecation is not smooth? Even though the clarity of chocolate is unconfirmed as a cause of constipation, in fact the content in chocolate affects the digestive system of the body. The content of milk, sugar and caffeine in chocolate can cause the body to become dehydrated. So it is not uncommon to make digestion dry and feces so it is difficult to get out of the body.

6 Things That Often Causes Cause Not Smooth
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