Categories: a-z health

DefinitionWhat is a physical examination for COPD?Chronic obstuctive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a lung diseas...
DefinitionWhat is a dexamethasone suppression test?The Dexamethasone suppression test will measure whether the...
DefinitionWhat is androstenedionees?Androstenedione is used to evaluate the performance of your adrenal glands...
DefinitionWhat is the tuberculin test?The tuberculin test (also called the tuberculin Mantoux test) is done to...
DefinitionWhat is a contraction stress test?Contraction stress tests function to check whether the condition o...
DefinitionWhat is amino acid?Amino acid tests are used to measure amino acids in the body and diagnose abnorma...
DefinitionWhat is electronagmography?Electronistagmography (ENG) is a method used by doctors to examine eye mo...
DefinitionWhat is a hepatitis b test?The hepatitis B virus test is a blood test that is performed to look for ...
DefinitionWhat is carbon dioxide?The CO2 test shows the amount of CO2 in the blood. This test is different fro...
DefinitionWhat is colposcopy and cervical biopsy?Colposcopy is a method used by doctors by using a special mag...