Categories: a-z health

DefinitionIs that fecal examination?Stool examination is a series of tests performed on faecal samples (feces)...
DefinitionWhat is a karyotype?A karotype is a test to identify and assess the size, shape, and number of chrom...
DefinitionWhat is a hepatitis A test?The hepatitis A virus test is a blood test that is performed to look for ...
DefinitionWhat is the adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test with Cosyntropin?Cosyntropin (Cortro...
DefinitionWhat are carcinoembryonic antigens?Carcinoembryonic antigen tests measure the amount of protein seen...
DefinitionWhat is anticardiolipin antibodies?The Anti-Cardiolipin antibody test is used to identify the causes...
DefinitionWhat is hemoglobin electrophoresis?Hemoglobin electrophoresis is a blood test that is performed to c...
DefinitionWhat is an anti-jo-1 antibody?The Anti-Jo-1 antibody test is used to accurately diagnose advanced au...
DefinitionWhat is acid phosphatase activity?Phosphoric acid can be found in various body tissues, including th...
DefinitionWhat is the concentration of coagulation factor?Coagulation factor concentration tests are performed...