Cantengan Surgery (Ingrown Toenail Surgery)


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What is the ingrown toenail?

Ingrown toenail is when your toenails grow into the skin or penetrate the surrounding skin. The skin can become damaged, causing infection and pain. Ingrown toenail generally occurs in the big toe.

A common cause of brown toenail is not cutting the nail properly. Ingrown toenail can also be decreased in families who have toenails that do not grow straight. Using narrow shoes can also cause ingrowing toenail.

What are the benefits of having cantengan surgery?

You no longer experience infections and pain.

Prevention & warning

What do I need to know before undergoing cantengan (ingrown toenail surgery)?

You can avoid or handle cantangan at home, by:

  • cut your toenails straight and do not leave the tip of the nail sharp
  • use shoes that fit the shape of your feet

The doctor can free the skin from the cantengan or cut the part of the toenail that grows into the skin.

Ingrowing toenail can occur again.


What do I need to do before I get a cantalan surgery?

Discuss with your doctor about medications you are taking, allergies, or other health conditions before undergoing surgery. Before surgery, arrange a meeting schedule with your anesthesia. It is important for you to follow the doctor's instructions to stop eating or drinking before surgery.

What is the cantengan (ingrown toenail surgery) process?

Surgery is usually done with local anesthesia.

Surgery usually lasts about 10 minutes and can include nail avulsion, wedge excision, nail-bed ablation (extracting part or all of the toenails and applying chemicals or electric currents to the area where the nails are) feet grow), and Zadek's procedure (removal of all toenails and cutting the area of ​​tissue where the toenails grow).

What do I need to do after I have a cantilever surgery?

You are allowed to go home some time after the surgery.

Rest your feet for several days until the swelling decreases. After that you are allowed to start moving again.

Avoid exercising for 2 weeks. Keep the operated legs dry.

Try to cut the nails straight and avoid sharp edges. Use shoes that fit the shape of your feet.


What complications can occur?

Like other procedures, there are several possible risks. Ask the surgeon to explain the risks to you.

Possible complications in the procedure can generally include reactions to anesthesia, bleeding, or clots in the blood (deep vein thrombosis, DVT). In addition, it can also occur:

  • infection in the operating area
  • infection of the bone below the area of ​​operation

You can minimize the risk of complications by following instructions from a doctor before surgery, such as fasting and stopping taking certain drugs.

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Cantengan Surgery (Ingrown Toenail Surgery)
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