Carpal Tunnel Surgery


Medical Video: Surgery Video: Carpal Tunnel - MedStar Union Memorial


What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition where there is an increase in pressure on the nerve that crosses the front of your wrist (median nerve). The median nerve flows through a dense aisle, along with the tendons that flex your fingers.

What are the advantages of this operation?

The purpose of carpal tunnel surgery is to remove pressure on the median nerve by cutting the pressure of the ligament on the nerve. You should be helped in overcoming pain and numbness in your hands.

When should I undergo carpal tunnel surgery?

If your symptoms are severe or prolonged after trying non-surgical therapy, surgery can be the next choice. Surgery is considered only when the symptoms do not improve after a few weeks or months from non-surgical treatment. This indicates that you have symptoms that occur but not signs of nerve damage. Nerve damage can make surgery more urgent.

Or if the symptoms are severe to limit daily activities, such as when:

  • numbness and loss of finger or hand coordination lasts long and does not go away
  • the strength of the thumb is reduced
  • Your sleep is disturbed because of this pain
  • there is damage to the median nerve (seen from the results of nerve tests and loss of hand, thumb, or finger function) or the risk of damage to the nerves


Prevention & warning

What should I know before undergoing this operation?

Nerve testing (nerve conduction velocity test and electromyogram) is often done before surgery. Surgery is more likely to succeed if the results of nerve testing refer to carpal tunnel syndrome.

It cannot be denied that surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome is technically a deliberate injury to the natural structure of the wrist. Your decision about whether you have to undergo open surgery or endoscopic surgery depends on your doctor's experience with this procedure. Endoscopic carpal tunnel surgery uses highly technical equipment and a higher level of success when the doctor often performs the procedure. After surgery, it is important to avoid any activity that can cause carpal tunnel syndrome.

Are there alternatives to surgery?

If the symptoms are mild, a tool that is worn on the wrist at night usually helps. Steroid injections near the carpal tunnel can reduce numbness or pain in most people.


What should I do before doing the surgery?

Carpal tunnel surgery is routinely carried out in the procedure a day is complete. This means that you do the procedure and go home the same day, and it is usually done under local anesthesia. This anesthesia will prevent pain in your wrists and palms, and you will remain awake when the procedure takes place.

You can help yourself by preparing questions about risks, benefits, and alternative procedures. This will make you more informed before giving your doctor permission to do the surgery, which is usually marked by signing a permit.

What happens during surgery?

Surgery can usually be done under local anesthesia and takes 20 minutes. Your surgeon will cut your palms slightly. Then it will cut the tight ligament (called flexor retinaculum) which forms the carpal tunnel roof. This will free the nerves from pressure.

What should I do after surgery?

You should be able to go home the same day. Keep your hands up and let them bandage for two days. It is important to gently train your fingers, elbows and shoulders to prevent stiffness.

Regular exercise should help you restore normal activity as soon as possible. Before starting exercise, ask your health care provider or doctor for advice and advice. Your symptoms may continue to improve within 6 months.



What complications can occur?

Complications can occur during a moderate, ongoing or after procedure. The complications of carpal tunnel surgery are usually:

    • infection - you may need antibiotics to overcome this
    • damage to your nerves, blood vessels or wrist tendons - it may require further surgery to repair the damage
    • lose strength and feel stiff when grasping objects - usually only temporarily and will improve as your wrist heals
    • sustained pain in wounds and numbness - sometimes it can take several months until the discomfort is completely gone
    • relapse - symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome can return

If you undergo an endoscopic procedure, your surgeon may need to change it to open surgery if there are any complications.

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Carpal Tunnel Surgery
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