14 Common Mistakes Women Make When Pregnant


Medical Video: 11 Mistakes Every Woman Should Avoid During Pregnancy

Even though you already know about healthy eating habits, exercise, and various other basic guidelines about pregnancy, there is still the possibility that you are a victim of some of the most common mistakes that every mother makes during pregnancy (most, young mothers). However, don't worry too much about this "beginner's mistake". There is still time for you to correct mistakes and get back on the right path.

Here are some of the most common mistakes women make during pregnancy.

What should not be done during pregnancy?

1. Excessively satisfying cravings

Pregnancy is a natural and normal event, and although you are indeed required to avoid certain beverage foods - alcohol or sushi, for example - pregnancy should not be used as an excuse to over-indulge the body with the food you desire. Do it naturally. Eat two chocolate bars when you crave, but remember: naturally. "Excessive satisfying cravings are not good when you are pregnant, especially when you are pregnant," Lang said.

2. Constantly sleeping

Yes, many say that when you are pregnant, you have to take a lot of rest. The hormonal and physical changes that occur in your body during pregnancy require more rest. Sleep deprivation will actually add to your fatigue-due to pregnancy.

Sleep is very important during pregnancy, you must have the right sleep and sound to give your body and your organs an important rest. Make sure you have enough and comfortable sleep. But, that doesn't mean you have to sleep all the time. Resting more than needed can have a negative impact on fetal growth. You have to rest a lot, but there are limits.

3. Don't exercise

If you are among those who rarely exercise, you will tend to find reasons to stay seated and relax. Most women will say that traveling home and office every day, occasionally climbing stairs in an office or home, or doing ordinary household chores is enough as an exercise and helps burn extra calories. But, daily activities are not a substitute for sports. Did you know playing truant while pregnant can harm your body?

Lack of exercise during pregnancy puts you at risk of complications, such as increased pulse and blood pressure, while putting you at an additional risk of developing gestational diabetes. This can affect not only your health, but also the health of your fetus. You are also more likely to experience heartburn and digestive problems. Mild exercise to moderate exercise is still the best habit you can do while pregnant. Exercise helps fight stress hormones, increases circulation, prepares the body for labor, and helps fetal growth and development.

Ask your doctor to prescribe the type of exercise for you. If you are at high risk for miscarriage, your doctor may recommend waiting until after twelve weeks, but make sure you take a walk or swim - do something light.

4. Eat with a portion of two people

Yes, in your body there are other humans, but that doesn't mean you need to eat for two people. Nearly 50 percent of women get more than the recommended amount of weight during pregnancy, according to a study in the journal Obstetrics & Gynecology, just because they think they have to double their calories - for them and their babies.

Women who are obese during pregnancy have an increased risk for miscarriages, stillbirths, premature births and difficult labor, gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, preeclampsia, sleep apnea and blood clots. Babies born to obese mothers are also more likely to have birth defects and become fat themselves later on. and having a big baby, which up your chances of having a caesarean section - or more difficult labor.

The average body weight during pregnancy should only increase by around 11.5-12 kilograms. A woman only needs 300-250 extra calories per day during the second trimester of pregnancy, and an additional 450 calories a day in the third trimester - and calories must be rich in vitamins and protein.

Eat healthy, but only for one and only for you. Eat healthy food and keep your calorie intake as determined by the obstetrician for the condition of your pregnancy.

5. Excessive consumption of vitamins and supplements

You already know you need prenatal vitamins. However, if you over-consume additional supplements and non-prescription herbal medicines, this is actually not proven to be able to help smooth your pregnancy and can actually turn harm to the development of the fetus in the womb.

The main source of your nutrition must come from food. Diets involving whole-grains and vegetable protein are more than enough to supply your body with the nutrients needed.

In short, don't avoid vitamins, but also don't overdo it, and don't just rely on vitamins and minerals for nutritional fulfillment. If morning sickness or lazy eating disturbs you and you think you need supplements, consult your doctor first to make sure what you consume is safe for pregnant women.

6. Do not continue medication for the health condition that is suffered

Many women think that all prescription drugs can cause birth defects and just stop the dose during pregnancy. This is a bad decision for women who have chronic health conditions such as diabetes, seizure disorders, or mental illness, which must be properly managed.

The best thing to do if you have a history of a particular condition is to consult a doctor about the decision to continue treatment (reduce or change doses) or actually stop it.

7. Using a non-prescription drug is empty

Did you know that you should avoid using antacids, paracetamol or even acne creams when you are pregnant?

Self-medication can have disadvantages that affect your pregnancy. Using a drug without a prescription, self-medication, or undergoing beauty treatments carelessly can cause congenital abnormalities in your baby.

8. Don't get a vaccine

Pregnant women may decide not to get seasonal flu vaccines for concerns about their effectiveness or safety. However, vaccines are the best way to avoid serious complications of flu, which puts pregnant women at a certain risk due to changes in the immune system that occur during pregnancy.

A study in the journal Pediatrics shows that 90 percent of women don't get the flu vaccine, but babies from mothers who undergo the vaccine show a 70 percent reduced risk of flu.

What's more, babies from mothers who received the flu vaccine in the third trimester were 33 percent more likely to be hospitalized for respiratory disease in the first six months after they were born, as reported by a study presented at the Options for the Control of Influenza conference 2016 in Chicago.

The CDC also recommends that women receive whooping cough vaccines during the third trimester of pregnancy to protect their babies from the disease before in turn they get the same vaccine at the age of two months.

9. Don't wear a seat belt when driving

Most women are afraid to use seat belts during pregnancy for fear that a belt can harm their fetus. This is often done during old gestational age, once the belly bulge gets bigger. Don't be swept away by this mistake. Not using a seat belt is actually far more dangerous than you think.

Car accidents kill more fetuses than babies every year in America - most experts say it can be avoided that seat belts have been used. Always wear a seat belt whenever you drive - when you are pregnant, young, pregnant, even if you are not pregnant. If the seat belt feels uncomfortable, make sure that you tighten the belt under the stomach, across the width of your pelvis. If you are pregnant with twins, you can choose to get extender seatbelt.

10. Skip meals

During pregnancy, food habits change. One thing is certain: You shouldn't miss meals, whatever the reason. Eat at the right time and make sure you don't eat right before bed. Prepare small meals, but often. Don't miss your main meal.

Experts suggest that pregnant women eat three heavy meals interspersed with two regular snacking sessions to help keep blood sugar levels stable. Unfortunately, many ordinary women skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast, after 9-12 hours of not eating from sleep, increases the risk of preterm labor. Even though you may experience morning sickness, eat just a little food. Bedside chips can help you before you wake up. Just a little food in the stomach will reduce nausea. After you are fully awake, mix a nutritious light breakfast.

11. Does not maintain your mental health

Mood swing is common during pregnancy. But, if it is not handled, this actually creates unnecessary stress and complicates your relationship, resulting in depression. This is a common mistake that women make when they are pregnant: looking at one eye for a mood swing or silencing it completely.

In addition, most pregnant women also experience stress from their weight gain. Weight gain shows the active growth of the baby in the womb. After your baby is born, you can easily reduce your weight. Stress is not good during pregnancy.

When you are stressed and exhausted (physical, mind and mental), your body will not effectively absorb all food nutrients. Studies also show that stress has a negative impact on your diet choices - from cravings to junk food to binge eating, snacking at night, or even skipping meals - which ironically can risk unhealthy weight gain.

So you must focus on your emotional well-being. If you are stressed, tired, take a break. Relax for a moment, massage, read books, listen to music, sleep, or talk to a doctor. Do light yoga or meditation to keep yourself focused and calm. If you have other children, this is the right time to hire a caregiver or ask your partner to take turns taking care of him. You need to focus on yourself and your baby - that's the most important thing.

12. Choosing a caesarean section for fear of a normal delivery

Normal labor is familiarly associated with labor pain, a very frightening specter for every woman. But choosing a cesarean for that reason is an easier method is the most common mistake a pregnant woman can make. At first, caesarean section was seen as a quick and easy way to get rid of labor pain, but the reality was not so.

A caesarean procedure will involve a healing process that is more difficult and painful than normal labor, believe it or not. So, if you've read stories about how caesareans reduce the likelihood of incontinence, or think they will give you more control to determine your baby's date of birth - think again carefully. Caesarean delivery can save lives if needed, but this is a major operation that can cause a six-week post-partum down-time period, difficulty breastfeeding later, infection, and a longer recovery period; not something that should be done by a new mother.

Of course, if your doctor's condition and advice requires you to undergo a caesarean section, you should listen to what the expert says. However, if the choice is yours, you might be better off with normal labor.

13. Reduce awareness of Zika

Zika, which is so overwhelming in several countries in South America, is mostly transmitted by the Aedes mosquito, but can also be transmitted through sexual contact. As of August 2016, there have been 624 case reports of pregnant women in the United States who have contracted the Zika virus, according to the CDC. In Singapore, there have been 215 Zika case reports recorded as of September 2016. Meanwhile, in Indonesia to date there have been only one positive case report of Zika. However, that does not mean you do not take preventive measures

Although women have been advised to avoid traveling to Zika-prone areas, women who live in these areas or decide to continue traveling may not use insect repellants or use the wrong type of repellant to prevent mosquito bites. Experts recommend that pregnant women and those who plan to become pregnant use safe spray with DEET sprayed on their clothing, not directly on the skin. If your intimate partner has returned from a trip in a vulnerable area of ​​Zika, you must also use a condom to prevent the spread of the virus.

14. Wrong information or not getting enough information

Many people say prenatal classes are not very useful, and more lessons are actually obtained along with the development of your own pregnancy. But ask yourself, "Do I know enough about postnatal care?", "How do you breastfeed right?", "What should you eat for smooth breastfeeding?", "What exercise should you do during pregnancy?" , "How to arrange labor preparation?". Of course there will be a family to help you. However, there is nothing wrong if you want to do it yourself and this is where the prenatal class will bring many benefits. Prenatal classes will provide all the information you need during pregnancy and around parenting, while preparing you for delivery.

Before you decide to give birth at a hospital, your own home, or a midwife's clinic, ask yourself what type of labor you want and whether if the doctor and hospital have the means to support your decision. Childbirth is an emotional personal experience and you don't want it to go smoothly by not expressing what you want. Read a lot about various alternative ways of giving birth and consider what you want for yourself. Whether it's hypnobirthing or water birth, consult with your doctor's team whether the hospital can help you with your choice. If not, you can look elsewhere.

Don't try to get more information than is needed. Always consult your obstetrician before making any decision. Absorbing too much information makes you more likely to diagnose yourself or cause unnecessary stress - both of them are not good during pregnancy.


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14 Common Mistakes Women Make When Pregnant
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