Gastric Balloon Insertion


Medical Video: Intragastric Balloon for Weight Loss - Mayo Clinic


What is gastric balloon insertion?

Gastric balloon insertion is a surgical procedure to help with weight loss. This procedure uses a silicone balloon inserted into your stomach. The way gastric balloon insertion works is to make you feel full quickly, resulting in you reducing the portion of food. This option is usually considered if the diet or changing exercise routines are not successful.

This procedure can help change your diet, reduce the amount of food consumed, and make you feel full faster. The balloon is designed to last for a maximum of 6 months, after which the balloon must be removed.

When do I need to undergo gastric balloon insertion?

The doctor will evaluate your medical history and condition. Usually gastric balloon placement is done when:

  • Your body mass index is above 40
  • Your body mass index above 35 is accompanied by type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure
  • You need to lose weight before weight loss surgery

Obesity can cause heart problems and other complications. The doctor will consider this procedure if medication and lifestyle changes are not successful.

Gastric balloon can only last up to 6 months, and only helps short-term weight loss. This can help you prepare for weight-loss surgery, such as gastric bypass.

Prevention & warning

What do I need to know before undergoing gastric balloon insertion?

Before undergoing the gastric balloon insertion procedure, you need to know the following:

  • this procedure is only temporary, the balloon will usually be removed after 6 months
  • You still need to maintain a healthy diet and exercise to avoid gaining weight
  • Gastric balloon has risks such as bleeding or irritation, balloons can leak or block your intestines. These risks are rarely found, but you are encouraged to consult the possible risks with your doctor
  • after undergoing the procedure, you may feel heaviness or pain in the abdomen or back. Inform the doctor for proper treatment
  • side effects can include nausea, vomiting or stomach discomfort, acid reflux, and indigestion. Usually side effects only last 1 week after the procedure. Inform your doctor if side effects continue
  • very rare, but there is a possibility of chest infection after undergoing the procedure. If you experience a cough after surgery, contact your doctor immediately

It is important that you understand the warning above before running this operation. If you have questions, consult your doctor for further information and instructions.


What should I do before undergoing gastric balloon insertion?

Discuss with your doctor about medications you are taking, allergies, or other health conditions before undergoing surgery. Before the installation of a gastric balloon, you must fast for 12 hours.

Before the appointment of a gastric balloon, you are only allowed to consume fluids for 48 hours before surgery. Eating solid food is totally prohibited. Soft drinks can help clean the balloon, so lifting is easier to do. 12 hours before the balloon is lifted, you must fast full without food and drink.

What is the process of gastric balloon insertion?

Installation of a gastric balloon generally lasts 20 minutes to 1 hour.

Your doctor may give you a sedative so you feel more relaxed.

The doctor will attach a flexible telescope (endoscope) through the throat to your stomach. The endoscope is used to carry a balloon that is still deflated into the stomach. The balloon is attached to a hose that will fill the balloon with air or salt solution.

What should I do after undergoing gastric balloon insertion?

After the installation of a gastric balloon, you are allowed to go home the same day or the next day. You are recommended to:

  • just taking fluids for 1 week, slowly consuming fine foods, then after 1 or 2 weeks you can eat solid food
  • rest for some time before returning to work. You can return to work after 1 or 2 days, depending on recovery
  • exercise. This can help you return to your normal activities. Consult your doctor first

Gastric balloon must be removed after 6 months. Schedule a meeting to consult with a doctor.

If you have questions, consult a doctor to understand further.


What complications can occur?

Gatroscopy is a safe procedure and the risk of complications is very small. Possible complications include:

  • sedative side effects
  • bleeding
  • perforation

The sedatives used are usually safe, but can lead to complications such as:

  • nausea
  • burning sensation in the part that was injected
  • small particles of food fall into the lungs causing infection (aspiration pneumonia)
  • abnormal heart beat
  • difficulty breathing

You can minimize the risk of complications by following the instructions from the doctor, such as fasting and stopping taking certain drugs. If you have questions about possible complications, consult a doctor for more information.

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Gastric Balloon Insertion
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