Pain after sports? Don't Give Up, Sign the Body to Adapt


Medical Video: On getting up again | Rodney Mullen | TEDxOrangeCoast

For those of you who are new to regular exercise, you may experience aches and pains in some parts of the muscle. Relax, pain after exercise is common in anyone. If it's been a long time, usually the aches will disappear. He said, if that's the case, your body has adapted to the exercise habits that are carried out. Then, how long does the body get sick after the exercise will disappear? How does the body adapt to the exercise performed?

This is how the body adapts to the exercise that is carried out

The first few weeks of practice

During this time, your body will certainly feel tired, sore, and sick after exercise. Painful body after exercise is a sign that actually adapts well to the exercise you are doing.

For example, you who are not used to running will experience pain in the thigh muscle, or calf or knee. This pain arises because the leg muscles are not used to doing previous exercises.

Many people give up at this time because they feel sick after exercise. However, if you want your body to be healthier and fitter, don't let the pain deter you.

4th week to 16th week

This time span is indeed quite long, experts say that in this phase your body has begun to adapt and can move better during training. The impact of the body aches after exercise is not too noticeable anymore.

After 16 weeks

This week, the body is usually very adaptable to the training load given. In fact, this time needs to be added to the burden so that the muscles can continue working. Because, entering this week, the muscles of the body have begun to adapt perfectly so that the intensity of the exercise must be added again. L

Then what is the sign if the intensity of the exercise must be added again?

In some conditions, you should change the training load, either because it's too easy for the body, or even too heavy which can be dangerous.

You enter the plateau phase

This phase is when your body no longer responds to your training activities. One sign is the weight that no longer falls even though you still apply the same diet.

Reported on the WebMD page, this condition indicates you have to make changes to the practice. If those who have been doing exercises running on a treadmill for 40 minutes, now you should do various sports with high intensity.

For example, the first four minutes of cardio exercise is as hard as possible. The next two minutes do strength training. Then repeat this cycle harder and harder five times. That way, your metabolic rate will increase more than you continue to practice running on a treadmill 40 minutes continuously.

You're bored

The first sign that you need to pay attention to is when your practice time has felt so boring. You even prefer to do other things than doing exercise as usual.

Frequent injury

This can also be a sign that you are exercising too much and too hard. Doing the same thing over and over again with a burden that is actually excessive for the body will make the body often experience more injuries.

When you experience this phase, you should give pause the exercise by doing other activities to let your body do recovery. Or, you can choose sports activities with calmer movements such as yoga or pilates.

You begin to hate your own practice.

If you feel that your training is just that again, there is no change, this is also a sign that you need to vary the form of training and the burden that is done. This is to encourage yourself to get excited about doing the exercises again.

Pain after sports? Don't Give Up, Sign the Body to Adapt
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