Getting the Right Treatment of Anemia


Medical Video: Anemia symptoms and treatments - Signs of being anemic

The type of treatment for anemia depends on the conditions and causes of anemia suffered by each patient. Generally, the conditions that trigger anemia are lack of vitamins and iron, chronic diseases, or hereditary diseases.

People who suffer from anemia have a lower number of red blood cells or normal hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout the body. There are three main causes of anemia, namely:

  • Blood loss, either sudden bleeding or slow internal bleeding
  • The production of red blood cells by the body is relatively low
  • The high level of red blood cells that are destroyed

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common type of anemia. If iron in your blood is low, the body cannot make hemoglobin. Common causes of iron deficiency anemia are poor diet, the body's inability to absorb iron, or blood loss. Children and women of childbearing age are very vulnerable to iron deficiency anemia.

In children, this type of anemia is usually related to diet. Children who drink too much milk may not get enough iron from other foods.

This type of anemia is generally treated with iron supplements (usually in the form of pills), and changes in diet. Consuming more iron-rich foods can prevent anemia from worsening, but cannot treat a lack of iron intake.

Blood loss during heavy menstruation, especially in adolescents and young women, is another cause of iron deficiency anemia. Rogers said, oral contraceptives and injections of Depo-Provera can inhibit too much blood out and reduce the possibility of anemia in women.

In the elderly, iron deficiency anemia can be caused by blood loss due to gastrointestinal bleeding from colon cancer, alcohol use (causes of stomach ulcers), or non-cancerous intestinal problems. The doctor will diagnose the cause of the bleeding and provide appropriate treatment.

After the doctor determines the cause and location of the bleeding, a supplement will be given to replace the lost iron. In some cases, supplements do not work or the patient's body cannot receive iron pills due to constipation or other side effects. Patients with cases like this can be treated with intravenous (IV) iron through the digestive tract.

Treatment of anemia for vitamin deficiency cases

Low levels of vitamin B-12 and folate are common causes of vitamin deficiency anemia. People who have the highest risk of developing this type of anemia are:

  • Parents. The body of a parent may not be able to absorb nutrients optimally. In other cases, low-vitamin food intake may also be a trigger for anemia.
  • Perpetrators of drug abuse. Addicts may not get a balanced diet, while alcoholics may get most of the calories from drinking.
  • Some surgical patients. People who have had surgery to remove a portion of the small intestine may not be able to absorb nutrients properly.

Treatment that can be done is to improve the overall diet, take folic acid supplements for folate deficiency, and get injections for cases of vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Treatment of anemia for chronic diseases

Annual or chronic illness can also cause anemia. The highest risk of anemia occurs in patients with inflammatory or autoimmune diseases, kidney disease, certain types of cancer, liver or thyroid disorders, and certain chronic infections.

According to Rogers, the above diseases cause inflammation which prevents the body from using iron in making healthy red blood cells. This condition also blocks the kidneys from making hormones that signal the bone marrow to make more red blood cells. Anemia will gradually improve when the disease that triggers anemia is successfully treated.

Kidney disease patients and cancer patients who undergo chemotherapy sometimes receive treatment to stimulate red blood cell production. But recently, drug safety has been questioned. Therapeutic treatment requires the role of hematology and further discussion.

Cancer therapy, especially chemotherapy, can cause anemia so treatment depends on the severity.

Treatment of anemia for hereditary diseases

Parents with certain genes can transmit anemia to their children. Even though there are many types, hereditary anemia is divided into two categories, namely:

  • Hemolytic anemia: a condition when red blood cells are destroyed too quickly. Sickle cell disease and thalassemia fall into this category. Treatment of each patient depends on the type, symptoms, and severity of specific anemia. During treatment, the doctor will observe the amount and growth of blood cells (in children) and monitor the development of gallstones. Treatments for hemolytic anemia are steroids and blood transfusions.
  • Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes (IBMFS): a rare disorder when the marrow does not produce enough blood cells, including red blood cells. The types of anemia included in IBMFS are anemia aplastic and Fanconi anemia. Some patients with IBMFS can eventually get leukemia or other cancers.

Handling each type of hereditary anemia is certainly different, but in all cases, the doctor will monitor the number of blood cells and carry out regular bone marrow and chromosome tests. Treatments that can be given are steroids, hormones, and drugs to stimulate blood cell production, or blood transfusions. Antibiotics as prevention of infection will be given if needed.

In some cases, patients with hereditary anemia undergo bone or stem cell transplants. Although it effectively cures anemia, this treatment is inseparable from risk.

If you experience symptoms of anemia, see a doctor immediately to get the best diagnosis and treatment for you.

Getting the Right Treatment of Anemia
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