Is Surgery Always the Best Choice for Heavy Stroke?


Medical Video: Brain Stroke, Types of, Causes, Pathology, Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention, Animation.

Often, the stroke is small and does not cause significant brain swelling. Even so, some cases of stroke cause severe swelling that can trigger death. For example, when a heavy stroke affects blood flow through the central cerebral main artery, almost all parts of the brain are completely deficient in blood, causing rapid death and swelling in almost half the brain.

Because the brain is encased by the wall of the skull, this swelling causes an increase in intracranial pressure (ICP) which results in an enlarged area of ​​damage to the brain.

In the end, an increase in intracranial pressure will prevent blood from flowing to the part of the brain which results in a rapid brain death process. In most cases, the best way to relieve intracranial pressure is through an operation called hemicraniectomia.

What is hemicraniectomia?

Hemicraniectomia is one of the effective procedures to reduce the level of brain swelling. This surgical procedure is done by using anesthesia, lifting a portion of the skeleton of the skull to allow the brain to swell beyond the skull bones without causing further increase in brain pressure. The part of the skull that is removed is usually frozen until the swelling subsides, and then the skull frame can be reassembled.

Does each case of severe stroke have to go through the hemicraniectomia procedure?

Not. Although many doctors recommend this for cases of severe brain swelling, many other doctors assume that although the benefits of this surgical procedure have been proven to save the life of the sufferer, hemicraniectomia does not guarantee a better quality of life for patients.

This is especially true for large strokes, for people who are medically weak and elderly. Thus, there is much controversy surrounding the impact of this procedure on the lives of patients and their families.

Who can decide to undergo the hemicraniectomy procedure?

The decision whether the patient must undergo hemicraniectomy can only be done after consideration and approval from the family. Therefore, family opinions and approvals are as important as those carried out by the medical team, unless the operation is carried out in a very precarious situation. Fortunately, many families know the wishes of the patient before stroke through the results of the conversation. For example, a patient might have talked to his parents or siblings about the desire to let him go peacefully if he had a severe brain injury or would be disabled for life. In that case, it is wise to respect the wishes of the patient.

Do I have to approve of my loved ones to undergo the hemicraniectomy procedure?

If you are faced with a reality where the person closest to you has to undergo a hemicraniectomy procedure, the following questions might help.

  • How likely is the re-functioning of the brain of your loved one after undergoing a hemicraniectomy procedure?
  • If the surgery is done and he can survive with a stroke, does he have the opportunity to be able to eat or breathe? If not, has he ever shared his feelings about using food tubes or mechanical ventilation?
  • Have your loved ones ever said what you want if you have to deal with these conditions?
Is Surgery Always the Best Choice for Heavy Stroke?
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