Low Blood Pressure Can Also Be Experienced by Your Little One, What Is The Cause?


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Low blood pressure is also known as hypotension. If low blood pressure for adults is a healthy target, in children, low blood pressure can be dangerous. Low blood pressure in children can occur for various reasons. Knowing the various causes of low blood pressure that can occur in your child, so you can prevent it later on.

Various causes of low blood pressure in children

The following are some of the causes of low blood pressure in children, ranging from trivial to serious conditions.

1. Dehydration

Dehydration is a condition that occurs when the body lacks fluid intake. The causes vary, because the child has severe diarrhea, fever, or excessive sweating due to overactive physical activity.

Hypotension, especially orthostatic hypotension, can occur as a result of dehydration. Low fluid intake causes a decrease in blood volume so that a child's blood pressure becomes low

2. Certain medicines

Certain medications consumed by children can have a direct effect on dilated or narrowed blood vessels. For example, a vasodilator such as hydralazine acts to dilate blood vessels. If the child uses the drug, one of the side effects can cause low blood pressure in the child.

Another example is calcium channel blocker nifedipine. This drug works by inhibiting the ability of calcium ions to enter certain cells in the heart and blood vessels. The result is widening of the blood vessels and potentially causing low blood pressure in children who take this medicine.

3. Anemia

According to the medical book "Current Diagnosis and Treatment: Emergency Medicine," anemia can be interpreted as the production of low red blood cells in the body. One symptom of anemia that may occur is orthostatic hypertension.

Orthostatic hypertension is a condition of low blood pressure that occurs when a child suddenly stands up after lying down or sitting long enough. This low blood pressure only lasts for a few seconds or minutes. If the child has anemia suddenly, low blood pressure may be one of the causes.

4. Adrenal insufficiency

The adrenal gland is an important organ that functions to release a lot of hormones so that the body can function normally. Adrenal insufficiency is a general term used to describe a decrease in the production and release of this hormone.

Dr. Patricia Donohoue, a pediatric hormone specialist from the Medical College of Wisconsin reports that in the case of primary adrenal insufficiency, the adrenal gland is damaged by too little salt or sodium in the body. Children who experience this condition may have symptoms associated with low blood pressure, such as dizziness.

5. Shock

Shock is a term used to indicate a series of changes in the body that result in a direct decrease in blood circulation. This condition affects the supply of oxygen throughout the body. As a result, you run the risk of organ damage due to low oxygen supply. One symptom that may occur is blood blood pressure.

This is a fatal condition where blood pressure is very low and cannot support the body. This can be caused by low blood volume, heart dysfunction, allergies, or changes in excessive blood vessels. Severe diarrhea can cause conditions. The reason is that severe diarrhea can cause the body to lose a lot of fluids so you are at risk of experiencing shock.

Low Blood Pressure Can Also Be Experienced by Your Little One, What Is The Cause?
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