For Parents, These Are the Signs of Your Toddler Ready to Enter PAUD


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Is your child big enough to start entering the preschool world? Introducing the preschool world to children may be one thing to consider. By entering preschool or rather early childhood education (PAUD), children can learn how to socialize and build their own character. Children can also develop their academic abilities. Then how are the children ready to enter PAUD?

Why do children have to enter PAUD first?

Reporting from WebMD, a study concluded that starting education at an early age can make more children able to take lessons and graduate from high school and college. Children who enter PAUD since childhood can be better prepared for school. Children become more equipped with basic skills than children who go through this early education.

Introducing school to children can teach children that learning is fun. So that children do not view learning and school as a burden. Not only on the academic side, PAUD can also train children how to socialize, teach children how to share, solve problems with others, and get along with their peers.

Is your child ready to enter PAUD?

Age may not be the benchmark children are ready to enter the preschool world or not. This is because the development stage of each child must be different. Forcing children to enter PAUD when they are not ready is not good. This can actually have a negative impact on children. For that, first identify whether your child is ready to enter the preschool world or not.

Here are the signs of your toddler ready to enter PAUD.

1. Dare to communicate and interact with other people

Look, whether the child understands simple commands, can answer if asked, ask for help from others, or other forms of communication with others. If you can, that means the child is ready to enter the preschool world.

To help children prepare before entering preschool, you should train children to dare to establish communication and interact with others. This can be started by taking a child to play in the park or at a playground that has many peers. Playing with peers can train children to be brave and confident in front of others.

2. Can use the toilet alone

This can also be a consideration to determine whether the child is ready to enter the preschool world or not. Children who are able to use their own toilets are easier to enter PAUD than children who cannot. You can train children to use their own toilet early. If the child is unable to do so but already wants to enter PAUD, it is better to teach the child to tell the teacher when he wants to use the toilet

3. You can eat alone

This shows that children are able to serve their own basic needs without the help of others. That is, the child is big enough, smart, and independent. This can also be a consideration whether or not the child can enter PAUD. If the child can eat alone, you don't need to worry when the child eats with his friend in PAUD.

4. Can you stay or away from you in the interim

Does your child feel comfortable if you stay for a while, while he plays with his friends? If yes, it means that the child may be ready to enter the preschool world. But, if the child cannot escape from you even though he is older (around three or four years), that does not mean you have to wait for the child to be ready to enter PAUD.

If the child has not tried it, maybe the child will not be ready. For this reason, you should first try to include children in PAUD if they are already quite large. At the beginning of the child entering school, the child may cry and worry if his mother left. But, this is natural. Over time, children will get used to playing while studying with their friends in PAUD. Give your child the understanding that his other friends are doing the same thing, so he doesn't need to worry if you stay for a while while he is in school.

For Parents, These Are the Signs of Your Toddler Ready to Enter PAUD
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