Repair of Inguinal Hernias in Men with Surgery


Medical Video: Know About Inguinal Hernia Repair Surgery For Babies - Manipal Hospital


What is an inguinal hernia?

The part of the muscle layer in the abdominal wall can become weak, causing the stomach to press out. This causes the formation of a lump called a hernia. The inguinal hernia occurs in the inguinal canal, the narrow channel where blood vessels pass through the abdominal wall. Hernias can be dangerous because the intestine or other structures in the stomach can be trapped and blood flow stops (strangulated hernia).

What are the benefits of undergoing inguinal hernia repair surgery?

You no longer have a hernia. Surgery can prevent serious complications that can be caused by a hernia.

When do I need to undergo surgery for inguinal hernia repair?

Surgery is recommended for inguinal hernias that cause pain or other symptoms, and also for incarcerated hernias or strangulated hernias. Surgery is also recommended for inguinal hernias in children. Babies and children usually undergo open surgery to treat inguinal hernias.

Prevention & warning

What do I need to know before undergoing inguinal hernia repair surgery?

Inguinal hernias can be treated with keyhole surgery. You can control the hernia with a truss (a buffer belt) or just leave it alone. Hernias will not improve without surgery.


What should I do before undergoing inguinal hernia repair surgery?

Discuss with your doctor about medications you are taking, allergies, or other health conditions before undergoing surgery. Arrange a meeting with the anesthetist to plan your anesthesia process. It is important for you to follow the doctor's instructions to stop eating or drinking before surgery.

You will be given instructions before surgery, such as whether you are allowed to eat before surgery. Usually, you are required to fast 6 hours before the procedure. You are allowed to drink fluids, such as coffee, until several hours before surgery.

What is the process of surgery for inguinal hernia repair?

There are several choices of anesthesia techniques. Surgery usually lasts about 45 minutes. The surgeon will make a groin incision and remove the 'hernia sac'. The muscle layer will be strengthened with stitches, usually synthetic tissue will be placed on the weak part, and the incision is closed again.

What should I do after undergoing inguinal hernia repair surgery?

You are allowed to go home the same day. Expand steps by walking for several days. You can return to activities after 2 to 4 weeks, depending on your level of operation and type of activity. Exercising can help you return to your normal activities. Consult your doctor first.


What complications can occur?

Adults and children who undergo hernia surgery can have risks:

  • reaction to anesthesia (main risk)
  • infection and bleeding in the dissected part.
  • nerve damage, numbness of the skin, lack of blood supply to the scrotum or testes, causing testicular atrophy (rare)
  • damage to tissues such as cables that carry sperm from the testes to the penis (vas deferens), which causes difficulty in having children
  • damage to the femoral artery or vein

You can minimize the risk of complications by following instructions from a doctor before surgery, such as fasting and stopping taking certain drugs.

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Repair of Inguinal Hernias in Men with Surgery
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