Treating Ulcer With Diet Changes and Lifestyle


Medical Video: Signs of an Ulcer

Have you ever experienced a heat sensation in the upper part of your stomach? It usually occurs after a large meal and continues until a few hours later. This burning sensation is called heartburn.

Heartburn usually occurs after eating. This happens when food in your stomach returns to the esophagus, causing burning pain behind your sternum. When swallowing food, the muscle (esophagus) relaxes to move food from the mouth to your stomach, then tightens to prevent food from rising again (acid reflux). When this muscle is damaged, acid reflux can occur easily.

Although common, heartburn can cause other serious conditions that require medical care. Heartburn is not a mild condition, if prolonged and untreated can cause stomach acid to damage the intestinal lining.

The easiest way to control heartburn is to change your lifestyle habits. Lifestyle changes mean modifying things that you control, including avoiding factors and triggers that can make symptoms worse.

How do you prevent heartburn with lifestyle changes?

Heartburn is a stomach condition, so of course you have to change your diet to avoid it. The key is to avoid pressure on the intestines and avoid triggers:

  • Don't eat too much or eat in a hurry. Small portions mean less food enters the stomach at a time, thereby reducing the occurrence of gastric acid reflux.
  • Keep a journal of things that cause acid reflux to avoid these foods. Some common triggers such as onions, peppermint, chocolate, caffeine-containing drinks such as coffee, citrus fruits or juice, tomatoes, or high-fat and spicy foods.
  • Stop smoking and limit alcohol use. Nicotine in tobacco can affect the esophagus, which allows stomach acid to enter the esophagus more easily.
  • Avoid putting pressure on your stomach. Wear loose clothing that does not press the abdomen and lose weight. The heavier you are, the more pressure there is on the intestine.
  • Avoid lying down after eating. You can imagine your stomach like a water bottle and lying down can cause it to spill. Place your head slightly higher than the body with a pillow to prevent acid reflux. If lifting your head doesn't work, try lifting your body from the waist up.
  • Exercise regularly. This can help your digestion. Inactivity can slow digestion and make heartburn worse. Some low-intensity exercises include walking, swimming and yoga.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight adds extra weight around your stomach area. This will put more pressure on the abdomen and inhibit the smooth digestion. You must reduce excess weight if you are overweight.
  • Drink a glass of water after eating. This will help melt and cleanse any acid in your esophagus.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. If you suffer from heartburn, it is recommended to avoid cigarettes and alcohol before, during and after eating. Cigarettes and alcohol can weaken muscles esophageal sphincter muscle (LES) which is in charge of maintaining food content in your stomach and preventing reflux.
  • Chewing gum. Sometimes chewing gum can help you digest. Chewing gum, preferably non-peppermint, stimulates the production of saliva and increases the movement of food content in your stomach to get rid of the small intestine. Saliva consists of bicarbonate which can neutralize excess acid.

Although most heartburn is not dangerous, it can interfere with your daily life. If you have severe heartburn that cannot be treated with over-the-counter medication, see a doctor. Doctors can assess your condition to provide the best care.

Hello Health Group does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Treating Ulcer With Diet Changes and Lifestyle
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