Umbilikal Hernia Repair in Children


Medical Video: Umbilical Hernias in Children


What are umbilical hernias?

The umbilical hernia is caused by the weak points of the muscular lining of the abdominal wall, just behind the umbilicus (navel). Naturally, the umbilical hernia arises from birth when the tuber canal fails to close. Usually, the hernia will close before the baby is born, but as many as 1 in 5 babies born prematurely (after 37 weeks) still have an umbilical hernia. If you have a hernia, your child will experience swelling, especially when they cry or squirm. Hernias should not be considered trivial because they can cause disruption of the organs in the stomach such as the intestine and the obstruction of the blood supply due to strangulated hernias. This problem will arise when the child is an adult.

What are the benefits of umbilical hernia repair surgery?

The hernia will disappear soon. Surgery can be a solution to prevent serious complications that can be caused by this disease when an adult child.

Prevention & warning

What should I know before the child has an umbilical hernia repair surgery?

Umbilical hernias in children under 1 year will tend to close spontaneously (heal itself). However, if the hernia is still open when the child is 3 years old, the hernia must be treated by surgery. The hernia has the potential to reappear.



What should I do before the child has an operation?

During the surgery preparation phase, make sure you tell the doctor about the child's health condition, the medicines being consumed, and all kinds of allergies that the child has. The anesthesiologist will explain the anesthesia procedure and give further instructions. Follow all doctor's instructions including a ban on eating and drinking before surgery. In general, children are required to fast for six hours before the surgery is carried out. However, children may be allowed to consume drinks like coffee a few hours before surgery.

What is the process of surgery for umbilical hernia repair?

Surgery to treat a hernia is carried out under general anesthesia. The operation usually takes around 60 minutes. The surgeon will make a small incision around the navel area. The weak points on the muscle wall will be closed by several layers of strong stitches.

What should I do after the child has an umbilical hernia repair surgery?

After undergoing surgery, children are allowed to go home on the same day. Usually, children need a week of recovery time before returning to school. But for 6 weeks, children should not do strenuous exercise. Most children show good progress in the recovery period.



What complications can occur?

Every operating procedure must have its own risks. The surgeon will explain all kinds of risks that may occur in postoperative children. Common complications that can occur after surgery include the effects of post-unexpected anesthesia, excessive bleeding, or the spread of blood clots (deep vein thrombosis or DVT).

For this hernia surgery, complications that can occur are:

● swelling appears under the surgical wound

● injury to the structure in the stomach

● used scars look bad

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Umbilikal Hernia Repair in Children
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