5 Causes of Eye Bags


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Who has a problem with pandas? The term panda is aimed at people who have bags under their eyes. For women, having eye bags can be a problem because eye bags are considered to interfere with appearance. Not infrequently, women who have more costs are usually willing to spend large pockets for eyelid surgery, even abroad.

Eye bags can be triggered by fat moving to the eyelids, these fats then accumulate so that swelling occurs. Fluid found in eye tissue can also be one of the triggers for swelling in the eye bags. This then causes the skin in the eye area to relax and dark circles form around the eyes.

What causes eye bags to form?

The main cause of eye bags is age. As you get older, the skin starts to relax, the tissue and muscle structure that supports the eye patch begins to weaken. There are other factors that make the formation of eye bags, such as:

  1. Storage of fluids. What affects the storage of fluid in the eye is weather changes. In addition, the levels of hormones produced also affect fluid storage. In fact, salty food can also trigger an increased amount of fluid.
  2. Lack of sleep. Sleep deprivation is the most common cause of eye bags. Even in young people, sometimes eye bags appear after someone stays up all night without sleep.
  3. Sleep. You need to know that eye bags that enlarge in the morning when you just wake up are natural. This happens because of the increased fluid during sleep. The circulatory system when you sleep moves slowly, so it is natural for the liquid to increase.
  4. Allergy. The formation of eye bags can also be caused by allergies to the eye. This is marked by swollen and reddened eyes. If this happens, immediately see a doctor.
  5. Descent. This last factor is indeed difficult to overcome. If many of your family members have eye bags, chances are that it will also decrease for you.

How do you deal with eye bags?

If you don't think it has bothered you, you can cover it with concealer when putting on makeup. Concealer can cover the black circumference of the eye and make you look fresher. Those of you who don't like make-up, You can do the following ways:

  • Compress with cold water. When you lack sleep, and in the morning you find your eye bags enlarged, the easiest solution is cold compresses.
  • Sleep with your head higher than your body. The position of the head that is raised higher can prevent fluid from gathering in the eye area. You can give extra pillows. A higher head position can also prevent neck pain.
  • Enough sleep. Sleeping eight hours a day will reduce the risk of enlarged eye bags while making you avoid stress.
  • Reduce salt-containing foods.
  • Overcome your allergies. If you are allergic to soap or other cosmetic products and this affects the eye bags, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Remove make-up before sleeping.
  • Use sunblock. Sunlight can make your skin loose. Sunblock will be very influential to ward off sunlight from your skin. In addition, also use sunglasses every time you move in the heat.
  • Therapy or treatment. There are therapies that can be tried like laser resurfacing, peeling,and filler with chemicals. This therapy is able to change the surface of your facial skin.
  • Or eyelid surgery blepharoplasty. This operation can be used as an alternative to eliminate eye bags. The results are indeed faster than the options above, but the price is more expensive and the process is invasive because it involves surgery. In the process, the doctor will remove fat and sagging skin in the lower part of the eye. There are always risks posed, it's a good idea to consult a doctor about the benefits and risks of this procedure. Possible side effects can be in the form of infections in the eyes, dry eyes, and problems with vision.


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5 Causes of Eye Bags
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