What are the Signs and Symptoms of Thalassemia?


Medical Video: Beta Thalassemia | Zayed's Story

Lack of oxygen in the bloodstream causes thalassemia signs and symptoms. Oxygen deficiency occurs because the body does not make enough healthy red blood cells and hemoglobin. Symptom severity depends on the severity of the disorder.

There are no symptoms

Silent alpha thalassemia carriers generally have no signs or symptoms of the disorder. The lack of globin alpha protein is so small that the body's hemoglobin works normally.

Mild anemia

People who have alpha or beta thalassemia can have mild anemia. However, many people who have this type of thalassemia have no signs or symptoms of anemia.

Mild anemia can make you feel tired. Mild anemia caused by alpha thalassemia trait may be mistaken for anemia associated with iron deficiency.

Mild to moderate anemia, and other signs and symptoms

People who have beta thalassemia intermedia also often have mild to moderate anemia. They may also have other health problems, such as:

  • Growth slows and puberty is delayed. Anemia can slow the growth and development of children.
  • Bone problem. Thalassemia can cause the bone marrow to expand. Bone marrow is a spongy substance in the bone that makes blood cells. When the bone marrow expands, the bone becomes wider than usual. They may become brittle and break easily.
  • Enlargement of the spleen. Spleen is an organ that helps the body fight infection and remove unwanted material. When a person has thalassemia, the spleen must work very hard. As a result, the spleen becomes larger than usual. This makes anemia worse. If the spleen becomes too large, it must be removed.

Severe anemia and other signs and symptoms

People who have hemoglobin H or beta thalassemia major disease (also called Cooley anemia) have severe thalassemia. Signs and symptoms usually occur within the first 2 years of life. Symptoms may include severe anemia and other health problems, such as:

  • Pale and lethargic appearance
  • Poor appetite
  • Dark urine (a sign that there are damaged red blood cells)
  • Growth slows and puberty is delayed
  • Jaundice (yellowish skin or white part of the eye)
  • Enlarged spleen, liver, or heart
  • Bone problems (especially with bones in the face)

Complications of thalassemia

Better early treatment allows people who have moderate and severe thalassemia to live longer. As a result, these people must overcome the complications of this health disorder that occur from time to time.

Heart disease and liver disease

Regular blood transfusion is a standard treatment for thalassemia. Transfusion can cause excessive iron in the blood (iron overload). This can damage organs and tissues, especially the heart and liver.

Heart disease caused by excess iron is the leading cause of death in people who have thalassemia. Heart disease includes heart failure, arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), and heart attacks.


Among people who have thalassemia, infection is the main cause of disease and the second most common cause of death. People who experience removal of the spleen are at a higher risk because they no longer have organs against this infection.


Many people who have thalassemia have bone problems, including osteoporosis. This is a condition where the bones are weak and brittle and easily broken.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Thalassemia?
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