What Must Be Prepared in School for Children with Sickle Cell Anemia


Medical Video: Sickle Cell Disease at School

A child with sickle cell disease may qualify for special education. The following are accommodations that should be considered for children with sickle cell anemia. other accommodations can be considered based on individual student needs.

Two sets of books, one for home and one for school

Students with sickle cell disease often miss unplanned because of their chronic illness. Having extra books at home will allow students to learn and still be able to do their assignments.

Permission to carry drinking water bottles throughout the day

Drinking water throughout the school day prevents dehydration, which can trigger illness. A student with sickle cell anemia must drink one liter of water a day.

Bathroom and clinic permit if needed

Children with sickle cell disease drink more fluids and urinate more often than other children. When a child drinks less than usual, he can become dehydrated.

Dehydration is the main cause of pain. Laminated identification cards can be used if necessary allowing students to leave the classroom without drawing attention from other students.

Students do not have to be asked to participate in physical education activities that involve heavy training and long distance running

Allow sports to suit the level of comfort of students. Students must take a drink of water every 10-15 minutes during physical exercise. Heavy exercise and long-distance running can often lead to lactic acidosis that causes sickle cell pain.

Students can be freed from outdoor activities when temperatures are more than 31 degrees

Extreme temperatures can change blood flow in the body and trigger pain. Arrange so students do alternative activities during recess.

Students will be given a moderate workload with limited assignments

Stress can trigger pain.Often returning to school after a long absence, students may feel overwhelmed and worried about homework and assignments; shortening tasks and enabling task modification will reduce stress and make the task properly done.

Students will be given an extension of time to complete class work, tests, quizzes.

Students can process information more slowly because of sickle cell disease, hospitalization, medical treatment schedules, pain medication or stroke.

Students will be temporarily assisted by the teacher at home to help with their duties when they are not in school

Students with sickle cell disease are often absent. This can cause them to lack skills in one or more core subjects. A teacher can help at a temporary home and can work with students regularly and prevent this.

Students will be assisted by a friend to make him update about information on class activities and school functions

Students with sickle cell disease and other chronic illnesses often have absences that cause them to miss important school events, such as group photo days or field trips. Friends can give e-mails or call students to give them information.

Giving medicine during school days

Some children may have chronic pain due to sickle cell anemia. Pain medication can allow students to finish school. Schools can sometimes assist in administering medication every day also when problems at home do not permit regular administration of daily doses of drugs such as HU or iron chelators.

What Must Be Prepared in School for Children with Sickle Cell Anemia
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