3 Things That Make Your Acne Inflammatory (Swelling, Pain, Pusing)


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Does the acne on your face grow in size, feel tingling, the color is red, and filled with pus in it? Maybe your acne has inflammation. Why did it happen? What causes inflamed zits?

Acne is a form of skin disorder. Acne occurs when oil carrying dead skin cannot be removed through the pores of your skin. Sometimes small pimples that appear occasionally will go away on their own and not be too annoying. But if the pimples are inflamed and do not go away after a week, usually after recovery, they will also leave marks.

What causes inflamed zits?

Although some experts don't know for sure, some of the following factors are believed to cause inflamed zits:

1. Hormones and sweat

Hormonal changes in the body are the conditions that most often cause inflamed zits, because hormones cause an increase in oil production and harden skin cells, which will trigger blockages in removing dead skin and oil from the pores. You can experience hormonal changes when you are in the menstrual cycle, are pregnant, starting or ending use of hormonal contraception (such as birth control pills), and stress.

Stress is actually not a direct cause of inflamed zits, but when stressed, the brain releases hormones that can trigger sweat glands to produce more oil and are prone to causing acne inflammation.

2. Improper use of cosmetics when having acne

The contents of certain facial treatments, such as lanolin and oil, can close the pores on your skin and block the release of oil produced by the skin, along with the dead skin it carries. This buildup of oil and dead skin can cause inflamed zits.

In addition, using cosmetics in a rough way can cause skin to get hurt. The injured skin will provide a container for live bacteria. The presence of bacteria on the skin, will cause the skin to become more sensitive and trigger inflamed zits.

3. Genetic factors

Reporting from News Medical, several studies have revealed that some school children have pimpled skin that is passed down from their parents. History of families with acne has inflammation, which increases the chances of their offspring experiencing the same condition.

How to deal with inflamed zits?

Touching inflamed zits on your skin with your fingers will actually make the condition worse. We recommend that you check the condition of the skin to a skin specialist, so that you get the right treatment.

You can also treat inflamed zits in several ways, such as:


Steam coming from a bowl of hot water can help you clean your skin and dry up inflamed zits. This steam about your skin will open the pores of the skin and help in cleaning dirty skin. You can do this step for 10 minutes per day three days a week.

Tea Tree Oil (tea tree oil)

Tea tree oil or tea tree oil is believed to have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. Rubbing your inflamed zits after first cleaning the skin with a mixture of tea tree oil and water can be an alternative solution to your inflamed zits.

3 Things That Make Your Acne Inflammatory (Swelling, Pain, Pusing)
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