4 Myths of Skin Care That Just Makes Skin More Troubled


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Without realizing it, there are many skin care myths which are actually wrong but often applied by women and girls. Often these beauty tips are also circulating in the media, even though the truth is not proven. Try to check what the following myths are actually wrong, maybe one of them you did.

1. No need to use it sunscreen on cloudy

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Many people think that when the weather is cloudy, UV radiation disappears. This is because he said, sunlight that causes radias, is covered by clouds so that it will not reach the earth.

In fact, even when the weather is cloudy and even rainy, UV radiation still reaches the earth. Therefore, whatever the weather is, make sure to keep using sunscreen when you are doing outdoor activities. Don't forget to reuse it every two hours if you are swimming or doing outdoor activities bathed in sweat.

Also, try to keep using sunscreen even if you are using it make up. This is because make up it does not block UV light from penetrating the skin. It would be much better if you use makeup with ingredients containing SPF to be able to protect your skin more optimally.

2. Expensive skin care products are definitely good

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The second most trusted skin care myth is that expensive care products are definitely good. Leslie Bauman, MD, Head of the University of Miami Cosmetic Group and author of The Skin Type Solution, states that this one myth is completely wrong. Because, not always expensive products must be good and suitable for the skin. Many inexpensive products are just as good as expensive products but are priced at a much cheaper price.

Bauman stated that basically most certain care products actually contain the same active ingredients. It's just that the brand and the popularity of the products that make it well-known make the price soar. For this reason, regardless of the brand and price of the product, you need to check the ingredients and how they are packaged to make sure this product is good and suitable for use.

3. A week using a certain product, the results can already be seen

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Many people have the habit of directly changing products when they don't see results in a period of 1 to 2 weeks. Though according to Mark G. Rubin, Assistant Professor of Dermatology at the University of California, it takes 8 to 10 weeks to see the effect of the product on the skin before replacing it with a new product.

Remember, not everyone has the same skin response. Some materials can work faster for certain people and work more slowly for others.

Therefore, stop the habit of changing products too quickly because the skin needs time to adjust to new products. Don't draw conclusions too fast just because the reaction of a product on your skin tends to be slower than your friend.

4. Usage scrub can thin the skin

Among the many developing skin care myths, use scrub is one that often appears. Scrub believed to be able to thin the skin. Even though the fact is not the case.

According to Mary P. Lupo, MD, FAAD, a clinical professor of dermatology at Tulane University School of Medicine, exfoliating with products that are suitable for skin conditions is needed and can improve the health and beauty of your skin.

Exfoliation or exfoliation of dead skin cells can make the skin look brighter. Because, all the dirt and dead skin that accumulates as one of the causes of the skin becomes dull can be lifted. In fact, if you exfoliate regularly with the right product, this can increase the production of collagen in the body.

Collagen is a very important substance to make skin look younger. Usually, collagen will be reduced and damaged if you are too exposed to free radicals. Therefore, the skin can relax and show signs of premature aging.

Well, if you belong to someone who believes that scrub can thin the skin so you can't get the important benefits of exfoliation. In fact, with proper exfoliation you don't need to buy a variety of skin tightening and whitening products. Only with exfoliation, you can get clean, healthy skin and avoid premature aging.

Then, how to treat the right skin?

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Caring for the right skin is of course done by applying the right treatment method according to the conditions. Get to know your skin type and use a variety of suitable products.

In addition, try not to swallow raw skin care myths that develop in the community without finding out the truth. Remember, not all information you hear is a fact, so it's important to find out the truth before practicing it. Because the various skin care myths that are wrong can harm you.

In choosing your skin care products also need to be careful. Try to use natural-based products. The point is to minimize the risks and side effects that might occur such as irritation and allergies. However, you also need to be careful in choosing natural skin care products. Choose products that are suitable for your skin needs.

One of the skin care products that you need to choose right is bath soap. Because, bathing is a daily activity that is definitely done without being missed. For that, choose a bath soap with content scrub natural to maintain the health and beauty of your skin.

As mentioned earlier, exfoliate using scrub helps remove dirt and dead skin cells that accumulate.

You can exfoliate with natural scrubs 4-5 times a week if you have oily skin, whereas if you include dry skin, you can apply it 1-2 times per week. Well, this can be done as a way to treat your skin.

Choose natural-based products that contain lots of vitamins and minerals such as apricots. This is because apricots are one of the fruits that contain antioxidants that are good for skin health. That way, you can get clean, bright and healthy skin without the need for expensive treatments that cost a lot of money.

4 Myths of Skin Care That Just Makes Skin More Troubled
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